From the moment that Donald Trump accounted Mike Pence as his running mate I had a bed feeling.
I never understood why Trump would pick Pence. Trump was an outsider who wanted to transform Washington, and despite falling short of his goal, Trump worked to rid our government of people just like Mike.
Career politicians and establishment hacks were Trump’s number one adversary, so why pick Pence?
Had I been advising the Trump, I would have suggested picking a dynamic VP who had the Deep State feared even more than they did Trump. This would accomplish two main things.
1- Trump’s ticket would have been 100% insurgent and there could be no mistaking the fact that two outsiders were running with the goal of busting up Washington corruption.
2- Perhaps more importantly, picking a VP who the DS feared more than Trump himself would have provided a perfect life insurance policy as the establishment would want to do everything they could to keep Trump alive for if he died they would be dealing with someone they feared more.
Well, Trump stuck with Pence and ended up paying for it in the end … and now it appears that Pence is paying for it.
The Gateway Pundit reports:
‘Former Vice President Mike Pence on Friday delivered remarks at the Faith & Freedom conference.
Pence was drowned out by hecklers chanting “traitor!”
Pence ignored the protesters and continued to speak over them, “I’m a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order.”
One woman who yelled “traitor!” was escorted out of the conference.’