Alright, let’s stop pretending. This is just not even debatable any longer that there is something wrong with Joe.
I’m not a doctor, but one need not be a medical professional to understand that the man has trouble processing, holding and expressing thoughts.
Now, this could be just what happens to a brain that is 80 years old or so. It would also be dementia or Alzheimer’s, I’m not a medical professional so I just do not know. However, I’m also not a … COMPLETE & TOTAL moron (although I may be on the moron spectrum) so I know that speaking like this is not normal.
Perhaps this stems from the time doctors has to cut Biden’s head off … yeah I know, it sounds fake, and obviously they didn’t sever his head at the neck, but they did pop his skill cap off. At least that’s how Joe makes it sound when he tells the story:
Perhaps ‘cutting your head off’ should preclude someone from being the President of the United States, but hey what do I know?
The Gateway Pundit reported:
‘Joe Biden had another disastrous day Friday in Texas.
Of course, the liberal media once again hid this from their audience.
Biden traveled to Houston, Texas with his handler, Dr. Jill, but she couldn’t save Joe from his mid-stage dementia.
Joe was confused and lost and even admitted it during his brief speech.’
Joe Biden: Lizzie Panilli, uh, excuse me, Pannill, and uh, what am I doing here? I’m going to lose track here. And, uh… Mayor Turner… My family spent a lot of time here in Houston by the way. And, uh, hey John Eddy, how are you buddy I didn’t see you there?… I could be known for as president. I would be the end, the president who end during his era ended cancer as we know it. (cough)
Via Grant Stinchfield:
Just compare the way Biden was able to speak in the first clip with the last one. Something has changed, something that is of the utmost importance to the security of our nation.
This is not normal, it’s not ok, it’s damaging our reputation in the world and handing China the keys to the next century … If China’s Communist Party rules the world for the next 100 years, there will be nothing left by the time it’s over.