After watching this, it seems pretty clear to me that Joy Reid wants a race war.
Unfortunately, it is not just Joy Reid, it’s seems to be 90% of the media as well. Instead of reporting on events acutely, the MSM has decided to weaponize the news, in what sure feels like an attempt to ignite a race war.
Just watch these clips and tell me if you come to a different conclusion …
Fox News reported:
‘MSNBC host Joy Reid has celebrated the three-year anniversary of her infamous hacked-blog debacle with a series of outlandish comments and analysis tied to the fatal police shooting of 16-year-old Ma’Khia Bryant in Columbus, Ohio.
NewsBusters managing editor Curtis Houck has been capturing Reid’s incendiary rhetoric and posting it on social media so people who don’t tune in to the far-left MSNBC program can get a glimpse of what she’s been saying. However, sometimes the footage is too outlandish even for Houck.
“I’m not even going to tweet the video of these two clowns, but they’re arguing that each and every person on the right is a modern-day Klansman and white nationalist who wants dirty air and water and black people poor and without representation in Congress to name a few,” Houck tweeted on Thursday, with a clip of Reid and left-wing guest Dean Obeidallah.
I'm not even going to tweet the video of these two clowns, but they're arguing that each and every person on the right is a modern-day Klansman and white nationalist who wants dirty air and water and black people poor and without representation in Congress to name a few.
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) April 23, 2021
The MSNBC host also appeared to justify Bryant lunging at another girl with a knife because something could have “scared” her before the encounter.
Joy Reid claims anyone defending the officer that shot #MaKiyahBryant is more concerned about the white officer and don't actually care about the lives of the other girls there b/c – you guessed it – they're black.
Panelist then said people are "demoniz[ing]" Bryan's "character"
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) April 22, 2021
She also compared Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, R., to infamous segregationist George Wallace because of the Sunshine State’s new anti-riot legislation.
Joy Reid argues @GovRonDeSantis is a 21st century version of Gov. George Wallace for his anti-rioting law, insisting he's brought Jim Crow to Florida.
Brittney Packett Cunningham argued he should be scared of black people and BLM protestors (which I would say include rioters).
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) April 22, 2021
“Just watch this tease. It’s clear that Joy Reid does and it’s poisonous and racist. She wants a race war,” Houck wrote to caption another clip from the MSNBC show.
Just watch this tease. It's clear that Joy Reid does and it's poisonous and racist. She wants a race war.
She wants he audience to become so fearful of Republicans and non-progressive white people and believe they hate them so much that they'll kill them at a moment's notice.
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) April 22, 2021
During the same episode, she suggested that Kyle Rittenhouse was not shot by police in Wisconsin after he opened fire on violent protestors because he is White.
Joy Reid and Al Sharpton suggest police officers should open fire and publicly execute white people if they're suspected of having committed a crime like Kyle Rittenhouse.
Claiming black suspects aren't taken into custody and instead shot dead, the same should happen to whites.
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) April 22, 2021
Reid, who has a long history of spreading conspiracy theories and misinformation, told viewers on Wednesday that it’s “very difficult to trust” police officers when it comes to the Bryant case – despite body camera footage that allows her to watch the entire situation herself.’
What happened to equality? What happened to unity? What happened to trying to calm situations down and not pouring gas on them?
If MLK jr could see the United States now he would have his head in his hands, wondering how things went so wrong.