
Ariz. State Sen. Rogers: Audit HITS PAY DIRT … BIGLY – Number Don’t Match 2020 Election Results

Arizona State Sen Wendy Rogers say7s that the number of votes counted in the audit is lower than the number of votes that were turned in by the Maricopa County Board of Elections.

The question that we do not have an answer for yet is how many votes short and who lost votes in the audit and by how much.
For instance, if they find that there are 20k fewer votes and Biden lost 20k votes, that would point to fraud.

Rogers said she does not know how many votes are short in the audit, or whether it would even be enough to overturn the election in Arizona but because of all of the double and triple checks they have done, it would seem to point to them wanting to document as much as possible before they release the results.

Amazingly, there have been no leaks about the count. But, then again this is not a Democratic operation.

The announcement by Rogers comes after  Senate President Karen Fann (R-Ariz.) also said that the numbers don’t match. You had to expect a shortage after it was said that the number of ballots in a box did not match the tally sheet.

Some were short by as much as 20% of the tally sheets. We don’t know how many boxes were short but, curiously, they found the very same thing in Fulton County.

Fann said:

“All we’re doing is just counting many ballots. It’s a paper counting machine, is all it does. They haven’t released a number yet if you will, however, we do know that those do not match with the Maricopa County at this point.”

From OAN

Sen. Wendy Rogers (R-Ariz.) suggested the audit of 2020 elections was set to reveal massive fraud by Democrats. In a tweet on Tuesday, Rogers said the numbers from the Arizona audit did not match the purported outcomes of the 2020 elections.

The senator added it was still unclear by how many votes or whether the audit would change election outcomes. This comes after Senate President Karen Fann (R-Ariz.) said the numbers didn’t match in Maricopa County, as suspected previously.

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