You have to respect General Flynn.
The entire weight of the deep state tried to crush him like a bug, yet he refused to give in and kept fighting until he finally found a path through the wilderness.
If we are being honest, President Trump threw Flynn under the bus at the request of Pence (we should have known Pence’s true colors then). I would have been easy for Flynn to flip on Trump and work with the enemy, but he had too much honor.
Now Flynn has released a powerful video with a HUGE warning to the elite from President Trump … THE GLOVES ARE OFF …
The Gateway Pundit reported:
‘President Trump: As everybody knows, my family, your great country and your president have gone through a terrible ordeal by some very dishonest and corrupt people. They have done everything possible to destroy us and by so doing have very badly hurt our nation. They know what they are doing is wrong.
But they put themselves far ahead of our great country. Weeks ago and again yesterday courageous Republican politicians and leaders had the wisdom, fortitude and strength to do what everyone knows was right.
I don’t like people who use their faith for justification for doing what they know is wrong. Nor, do I like people who say, “I pray for you,” when they know that that’s not so. So many people have been hurt. We can’t let that go on.’
The video then ends with three screens including these two:
Now it’s our turn.
Gloves are off.
Here is the video.