All signs are indicating that former President Donald Trump is planning to run for president again. An inside source in recent months has revealed dinner conversations in which the 45th president said he is running.
“In conversations with at least 3 people,” a top GOP source says, “Trump has said he wants another run at the White House,” Rolling Stone reported. That source is a former senior official at the Republican National Committee.
“I have three friends who’ve had dinner with him in the last couple of months. All three reported that his current plans are to run for president in 2024,” the former RNC official said to the outlet. “Now, whether he does or not is a different issue. We’ve still got three years to go. But he’s telling people that.”
I thought from the beginning that Trump should have waited to announce until after the midterm elections so the Biden administration can get a good head start wrecking every aspect of our country. That way the former president could campaign on the differences two years make. But, alas, the one thing Joe Biden is really good at is being wrong at every possible turn and so he has wrecked the country in record time. Maybe Donaldus Magnus knows something the rest of us don’t.
The former RNC official said that the most recent dinner took place within the last two weeks while the first two happened in late spring. The official added that the dinner companions from the first two dinners walked away convinced that the 47th (<– not a typo) president was all about running. The recent dinner companion from the last couple weeks said he walked away “not 100% sure Trump wants to run, but he likes being in the conversation, he wants to freeze the field, and he wants his name out there.”
A former Trump adviser said that after speaking with inner-circle friends of the 47th president he was told of other conversations that mirror what we now know of Trump’s current mindset.
“All the people I talk to who deal with him directly think as of now he is running,” the former adviser said, adding that there are more signs recently that indicate that he does want to run in 2024.
Back in June, Trump appeared on Hannity when the Fox News host took his show on the road to Texas. Sean asked the former president the question that was on everyone’s mind: “You’re not going to answer, but I have to ask,” Sean said. “Without giving the answer … have you made up your mind?”
Trump gave a one-word response that stirred cheers from the audience, “Yes.”
Trump did a rally in Ohio last month which was the first rally he did in his post-presidency. Trump is taking on the responsibility of keeping the America First movement moving forward regardless of whether he runs again or not. His PAC, Save America, sponsored the rally. Incidentally, that PAC is the only one I donate to from now on. No more money to the RNC or other Republican fundraisers. Save America PAC only supports non-RINO, America First, MAGA candidates, and that’s what we all should want.
“We won the election a second time, and it’s possible we’ll have to win it a third time,” Trump said at the event followed by thunderous applause and chants of “USA! USA!”
Former President Donald Trump: "We won the election twice, and it's possible we'll have to win it a third time."
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) June 27, 2021
If Trump does run, there is no doubt he would win the primary. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who I fully support to run one day for the White House, will probably run if Trump decides not to, but I think a killer ticket would be Trump-DeSantis 2024. If former Vice President Mike Pence throws his name hat in the ring, he would probably get single-digit support. No one would come close to the greatest president of my lifetime.