Talk show host and Republican gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder won a victory in court when a judge found that his campaign complied with ballot requirements and the state elections boss shouldn’t have demanded that candidates provide 5 years of tax returns. Elder sued for being left off the ballot for the upcoming California recall election to replace failed Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom.
On Wednesday, Elder celebrated his legal victory on social media after the ruling was handed down.
“California judge rules that the election law Elder allegedly violated DID NOT EVEN APPLY to a recall election AND even if it did, Elder ‘SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLIED.’ I will be on the ballot,” Elder tweeted. “TOTAL VICTORY!!”
California judge rules that the election law Elder allegedly violated DID NOT EVEN APPLY to a recall election AND even if it did, Elder "SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLIED." I will be on the ballot.
TOTAL VICTORY!! #WeveGotAStateToSave
— Larry Elder (@larryelder) July 21, 2021
What the issue was about was the tax filings Elder had submitted to California elections officials to get on the ballot. Secretary of State Shirley Weber’s office said Elder provided documents that were inappropriately redacted. Elder took his fight to court, and his case went before Sacramento Superior Court Judge Laurie Earl only mere hours before Weber was set to certify the final list of candidates.
California election officials refused to put Elder on the ballot because they said he didn’t meet the federal tax return filing requirement.
Elder accused the secretary of state’s office of trying to keep him off the ballot in an effort to protect Newsom … and Elder WON. This is terrible news for the notorious tyrant, Newsom.
“I’ve complied with everything the law requires of me to run in this recall election,” Elder said.
Superior Court Judge Laurie M. Earl agreed with Elder and ordered the secretary of state to include his name on the ballot.
Elder’s win created a path for at least two other candidates to be reinstated because Judge Earl dismissed Weber’s interpretation of a 2019 state law that compels gubernatorial candidates to release tax returns in a “direct primary election.”
“I don’t find that Mr. Elder was required to file tax returns at all,” Earl said.
Remember, the upcoming recall election is not a primary election. It makes no sense to allow the world to examine your tax returns anyway. If the IRS says you filed correctly and there are no laws broken, it’s no one’s business what is on them. Liberals, especially in media, like to use tax returns for rich Republicans to try to point out that they have nothing in common with the common man.
While Elder was one of the final Republican challengers to get into the Newsom recall race, he attracted national attention very quickly and raised hundreds of thousands of dollars. The question most conservatives ask is “Who doesn’t love Larry Elder?” The man has been fighting for conservative principles for decades and it’s pretty obvious that he loves his home state and he really believes it can overcome the serious problems created by progressive policies. Elder’s strong start demonstrates that he already has a preexisting base and he’s got real name recognition.
In another twist, Governor Newsom had to sue his own secretary of state to get his party affiliation added to the ballot when he failed to complete the paperwork required to get Democratic Party added next to his name on the ballot. I guess he was just too busy eating at fancy restaurants with his compadres.
Newsom is facing the recall because he acted like a tyrant with the never-ending COVID-19 lockdowns and other mitigation rules. Americans overall don’t like it when their rights are taken away from them when they’ve done nothing wrong. The Democrat governor himself made the recall movement stronger when he got caught dining at the expensive French Laundry restaurant at a dinner party with friends who were all sitting around a table and no one was wearing a mask and no one was social distancing. The episode came off as a slap in the face to California voters when the people in charge of lockdowns didn’t take the COVID crisis seriously when they thought no one was looking.
Newsom went on television to apologize for the dinner party but it came off as contrived. He also angered Californians when without any evidence he said that the recall movement was led by racists. Seriosuly, how did a white progressive governor of a failing state think accusations of racism were going to hold water?
The California recall election is scheduled to take place on September 14.