In case you missed it, a few weeks ago Judge Joe Brown WENT OFF on Kamala Harris & Joe Biden. When I say he went off .. that is an understatement, he said things so harsh and to the point that the host apologized to VP Harris in response … while he literally LOL’ed!
The things Brown exposed about Harris were not just harsh, they are all true and the media refuses to tell the American people. Before we get to the video I think it is important to stress why it is so important that America, all of America sees this video …
To hear these truths coming out of the mouth of a man with such an accomplished resume like Judge Joe Brown is great to see.
Let’s be honest, it is always nice to hear black men (and women) exposing politicians who are threats to the human rights of their constituents. I thought that we were past making judgments about people based on their race, but thanks to the Democrat party … here we are, more divided on racial lines than we have been in my lifetime.
So, instead of pretending that the background and life experience of a source does not make a difference whatsoever, we will put the cards on the table…
We hear white men talking about America’s founding principles in a good light, fairly frequently. Not so much from Democrats, but there are still a lot of Republicans who echo liberty’s talking points. There are even a handful or so of Republicans in the federal government who put their money where their mouths are and really BELIEVE & VOTE FOR them.
Here’s the uncomfortable truth part … People are more inclined to trust someone they can relate to. I would bet there is a direct correlation between how much a person can relate to another with how likely that person is to give merit to what they are saying.
Judge Joe Brown has that trust with a very different group of people than say … Bill O’Riley does. This is why it’s green to hear Judge Brown tell the American people that the media refuses to … THE TRUTH about Joe and Kamala!
Unfortunately for the media Joe and Kamala, many people still remember just HOW Harris got her start … and God knows what else in this world.
Christina Laila of The Gateway Pundit explains:
Judge Joe Brown joined former NBA player Kwame Brown this weekend in a YouTube livestream.
Judge Brown went off on Joe Biden for his decades of racism and past remarks denigrating black children
The Judge also took a shot at Kamala Harris with both barrels blazing.
Judge Brown said he was there when Joe Biden made his racist segregationist speech.
The Judge didn’t hold back and shredded Kamala Harris about her sordid past.
VIDEO(warning: spicy content):’
Judge Joe Brown is going in 😂😂Chile Judge Joe Brown is on a roll. He had more to say, but this time it was for Kamala Harris 😩 #Clique; what are
— Kevin Gross (@BatmanNz20) May 28, 2021
You can watch the entire interview HERE: