As Joe Biden tries to do grandfatherly photo ops eating ice cream between insane moments where he whispers into microphones in the creepiest manner possible, it’s important to understand how he used his very troubled son, Hunter, to be the bagman to feed a fountain of dirty money to the Biden family.
Hunter Biden said he wanted to be a writer or an artist but he was driven by his father to be the family provider through illegitimate yet lucrative projects and assignments that came by Joe selling the influence of whatever elected office he held at the time. First, it started in Delaware, and then as years went on the grifting spread out globally and the payload increased exponentially. There’s too much evidence already uncovered that scams took place where Hunter took a position for a foreign government or a foreign government-involved firm for large sums of money to be distributed throughout the Biden family. So why have the mainstream news media ignored it or claimed the stories were conspiracy theories of Russian disinformation campaigns?
Hunter was already a troubled man with a drug habit that put him in some very awkward positions, the least of which was getting discharged out of the US Navy for testing positive for cocaine. So, it makes you wonder what kind of father would put his troubled son in charge of projects that flooded mountains of cash that helped his son get involved in a serious crack addiction that he talks about in his memoir titled, “Beautiful Things.”
Correspondence found on Hunter’s abandoned laptop includes a test message from Hunter to his daughter Naomi from 2019 where he complained about the pressure put on him to provide for the extended family.
“I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years,” Hunter wrote.
“It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike Pop [Joe Biden], I won’t make you give me half your salary.”
Just to be clear, the Biden hustlers left no evidence dangling around that would prove dirty payments were made on behalf of the Biden family by Hunter. However, we have found out that when Joe was vice president, his son paid some of his father’s expenses like AT&T bills of about $190.00 a month and then there are emails found on the laptop that give more insights into Hunter’s activities concerning making payments for the family.
For example, there is an email sent by Eric Schwerin to Hunter on June 5, 2010, the Subject line read “JRP Bills” (Joseph Robinette Biden) where his business partner told Hunter he had to take on some large bills to pay Wilmington, Delaware contractors for the upkeep of his father’s plush lakefront property totaling in the thousands of dollars.
The email begins: “FYI, there are a few outstanding bills that need to be paid and I am not sure which ones are a priority and which should get paid out of “my” account and which should be put on hold or paid out of the ‘Wilmington Trust Social Security Check Account.’ ” No one knows what he meant by “my” in quotes means, but he went on and said, “there is about $2,000 extra in ‘my’ account beyond what is used for monthly expenses.”
Schwerin was being treated like a secretary instead of a business partner, writing another email a few days later, “Mike Christopher [builder] is hassling me so I am paying a couple of the smaller things since I haven’t heard from your Dad. Know he’s busy — so it’s OK. But if you think he has a moment or two to review the e-mail I sent you let me know.”
On July 6, 2010, another email was sent to Hunter with the subject reading “JRB Future memo” which seems to be about planning for Joe’s future wealth management where Schwerin said, “Does it make sense to see if your Dad has some time in the next couple of weeks while you are in DC to talk about it? Your Dad just called me about his mortgage . . . so it dawned on me to might be a good time [for] some positive news about his future earnings potential.”
Up to now, the handling of Joe’s financial affairs could all be explained that his son, Hunter, and attorney, could be providing a legitimate service for his father’s financial accounts and having the Rosemont Seneca firm acting as an accountant for paying Joe’s bills. Joe was vice president for about a year and a half at that point.
However, there are other documents that were found on the laptop that suggest Joe’s finances mixed in with Hunter’s.
Hunter’s assistant Katie Dodge received an email from Hunter on April 12, 2018 where the future president’s son complained that he had been shut out of one of his Wells Fargo bank accounts.
“Too many cooks in the kitchen. Too many profile changes and such. Happened 10 days ago too . . . My dad has been using most lines on this account which I’ve through the gracious offerings of Eric [Schwerin] have paid for past 11 years.”
Remember Tony Bobulinski, the Biden business partner who right before the 2020 election came out spilling the beans on how crooked Joe Biden was using Hunter? Well, the former business partner for a company called Oneida, was setup to go into a joint venture with a Chinese energy company called CEFC.
When Bobulinksi came out with allegations against the Biden family, he mentioned a 2017 email where it said: “the big guy” was to be given a 10 percent equity in that firm. “10 held by H [Hunter] for the big guy.” Bobulinski identified Joe Biden as “the big guy.”
Schwerin really was acting as Hunter’s personal secretary, with him loyal to a fault to the son of the now president since they worked together in the Commerce Department for the Clinton administration. He was the president of Rosemont Seneca and he was reduced to doing things like organizing Hunter’s trips to China, answering his emails, and setting up Hunter’s alimony payments. It makes you wonder what Rosemont did for business.
Schwerin’s relationship went south as far as Hunter was concerned, but he had by then already developed a close bond with the Biden family. He was eventually given a nice government appointment by Obama to the Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad which knowing that administration probably went on to trash our country.
When the Biden administration raided Rudy Giuliani’s home and office back in April, no one in the media thought anything of it. After all, the former New York City mayor was former President Donald Trump’s personal attorney who led the team of lawyers investigating massive election fraud issues in the 2020 election in key battleground states. It looked to anyone who is honest like a payback attack to let others know that this is what happens to you when you mess with Democrats in power.
Giuliani said that the warrant that was handed to him during the raid said that all electronic devices were to be confiscated, and the feds did take them all, except the hard drive to Hunter Biden’s laptop that Mr. Giuliani offered to them multiple times but they wanted nothing of it.