National File

Raffensperger Resignation Demanded After He’s Caught Covering Up Election Integrity Problems

Syndicated Via National File| ANDREW WHITE|

Republican candidate for Georgia Governor Vernon Jones exposed Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger for lying to Georgia voters and the mainstream media about the integrity of the 2020 election. This comes as Jones continues his calls for Governor Brian Kemp and Raffensperger to resign due to their gross mishandling of Fulton County voter fraud following the November election.

Vernon Jones, an America First candidate seeking to replace the disgraced Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, recently exposed Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger over his lies about the integrity of the 2020 election to mainstream media outlets and Georgia voters amid reports of voter fraud in Fulton County. Jones has been calling for Kemp and Raffensperger to resign from office over their mishandling of what has been referred to as “flat-out criminal” voter fraud in Fulton County during the November election.

Raffensperger and Kemp, two Georgia state officials with serious ties to the Communist Chinese, have been widely condemned over their handling of evidence of voter fraud in their state following the highly controversial 2020 election. Jones has repeatedly called for their resignations as a result. In January, a leaked phone call between Raffensperger and President Donald Trump made its way to mainstream news after the President urged Raffensperger to address the evidence of voter fraud in Fulton County. The leak was reported to have come directly from Raffensperger’s office, yet during a fluffy interview with 60 Minutes, Raffensperger claimed he had no idea that the call was being recorded, and refuted “fabricated” claims of voter fraud in the state, while condemning President Trump for urging that he take action.

Amid recent reports of voter fraud in Fulton County, Raffensperger has changed his position, and is now attempting to shift the blame other officials, despite his office’s failure to handle the voter fraud before the state’s electoral college certification. “Fulton County’s continued failures have gone on long enough with no accountability. Rick Barron and Ralph Jones, Fulton’s registration chief, must be fired and removed from Fulton’s elections leadership immediately. Fulton’s voters and the people of Georgia deserve better,” Raffensperger wrote in a tweet.

In a separate post, Raffensperger claimed that “Fulton County has failed its voters for far too long. That’s why I took action last year to try and fix the issues in their elections management. Clearly, more work and more dramatic steps need to be taken.” Jones replied to the Raffensperger tweet, slamming the Secretary of State for lying to Georgia voters and mainstream media outlets about the integrity of the election. “You lied to GA voters. Resign now!” said Jones.

“The people of Georgia deserve better. And we’re going to give it to them,” tweeted Jones on July 14 after speaking to a crowd of hundreds of people on Lake Lanier alongside country music singer Travis Tritt.

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