This Fauci character is just that … a ‘character’.
The ‘good doctor’ is one of the most bold confidence men in the history of hustling. It sure seems as if there is not one thing that the man has suggested that he has not later taken the 180 degree opposite side of.
Thus, when the man has the gall to talk about misinformation (anyone who has the stones to publicly disagree with his CURRENT position or opinion) it infuriates me, as I’m sure it does to you as well.
What Fauci does not like is not ‘misinformation’, it is people holding him to account for his flip-flopping snd
Ms. Laila has done an amazing job of letting the American public hear Fauci destroy himself, with his own words,
Cristina Laila of The Gateway Pundit writes:
‘Dr. Fauci on Saturday said we’d still have smallpox and polio in the U.S. if the current level of misinformation existed decades ago.
Fauci spoke with CNN’s Jim Acosta about Biden’s claim that social media disinformation about the Covid vaccine is “killing people.”
Acosta teed up Fauci with a softball and allowed him to spout propaganda and lies.
“Do you think we could have eradicated polio or defeated the measles if … if you had Fox News night after night warning people about these vaccine issues that are just you know, bunk?” Acosta asked.
“Well, that is a very good point, Jim,” Fauci said. “If you look at the extraordinary, historic success in eradicating smallpox and eliminating polio from most of the world. And we’re on the brink of eradicating polio. If we had had the pushback, for vaccines, the way we’re seeing on certain media, I don’t think it would have been possible, at all, to not only eradicate smallpox. We probably would still have smallpox. And we probably would still have polio in this country if we had the kind of false information that’s being spread, now. If we had that back, decades ago, I would be certain that we’d still have polio in this country.”
To compare polio and smallpox to Covid is outright propaganda.’
You can watch the √ video below:
Quite frankly I do not know how Christina Laila does it, this woman is a machine. There are few, if any, writers who have their finger on the pulse of the country the way Laila does. If it’s interesting and breaking you can bet Christina has an article on the event ready fo go.