From the very beginning of officials in Maricopa County having thoughts of conducting an audit, the Democrats have been incredibly defiant.
The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors has done literally everything they can to try and stop the audit from taking place and even now they’re fighting to prevent it from being completed.
If they were innocent, then they would have no problem complying with a court-ordered subpoena. But the fact that they are so defiant only serves to prove that they really do have something to hide and they must fight to keep it from being discovered.
It’s not like this is something personal that someone is trying to get access to, I could understand fighting against something that, but this is a matter of public interest and if the state legislature asks for it, and a federal judge orders it, then they should obey.
Nobody is trying to do anything wrong. You would think that they’d want to vindicate themselves if there was really nothing to hide.
So, in a last-ditch effort, the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors are begging that the Attorney General not take any further actions against them since they’re innocent (at least that what they are claiming).
Dear Deputy Solicitor General Catlett:
On behalf of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (“MCBOS”), we respond to your letter dated August 6, 2021 regarding Senator Sonny Borrelli’s Request for Investigation (the “Request”) as to MCBOS’ alleged “failure to comply with valid and enforceable legislative subpoenas that originated from the AZ State Senate.” [Request, Exhibit A]. Specifically, Senator Borrelli claims that MCBOS is acting in conflict with A.R.S. §§ 41-1151, 1153-54 and 16-624 [see Ex. 1 at 1] by failing to produce certain documents and electronic materials requested in a legislative subpoena issued on July 26, 2021 (the “Subpoena”). [Ex. A at Attachment; see also Subpoena, Exhibit B].
The allegations in the Request are without merit. The Senate’s authority to enforce the Subpoena through its statutory contempt powers expired on June 30, 2021 with the adjournment of the legislative session. Accordingly, any action taken by MCBOS in relation to the Subpoena did not “violate[] state law or the Constitution of Arizona,” and we respectfully ask that your Office “take no further action” regarding the Request. A.R.S. § 41-194.01(A), (B)(3).1