Bill Maher is just like a blind hog. Every now and then he finds an acorn. His latest find is his rant against liberals who hate the United States. His latest diatribe against liberals is what he calls “the lessons of Afghanistan.”
That lesson is that oppression does not exist in the country any more than systemic racism does.
Maher relayed the sentiment of those dying to make it to our shores:
“All you do is b***h about and bad-mouth your own country, but if you knew about the country I came from, you’d stop sh***ing on your own.”
Maher started his last segment with the obligatory bashing of conservatives for being too sentimental about the United States before he began tearing liberals apart for taking just the opposite tack and demonizing this country.:
“I’m sorry your professor said something you didn’t like. That won’t be a problem with the Taliban because you’re not allowed to go to school., In Saudi Arabia, grown women can be jailed for doing the kind of things we think of as routine without the permission of a male guardian. China rounds you up if you’re the wrong religion and puts you in camps.”
“If you think America is irredeemable, turn on the news or get a passport and a ticket on one of those sketchy airlines that puts its web address on the plane. There’s a reason Afghan mothers are handing their babies to us.”
“We’re not the bad guys. Oppression is what we were trying to stop in Afghanistan. We failed, but any immigrant will tell you we’ve largely succeeded here. And yet, the overriding thrust of current ‘woke’ ideology is that America is rotten to the core, irredeemably racist from the moment it was founded and so oppressive, sexist, and homophobic we can’t find a host for the Oscars or ‘Jeopardy!'”
“And this is where your new Afghani (sic) roommates that you took in will prove so valuable because they’ll turn to you and say ‘Have you people lost your f***ing minds?! Have you ever heard of honor killings, public beheadings, throwing gay men off of roofs, arranged marriages to minors, state-sanctioned wife-beating, female genital mutilation, marriage by capture? Because we have.'”