Just in case you still had ANY hope that the United States Department of Justice was anything other than the modern incarnation of the Stasi, here is a story that will crush your hopes and dreams FOREVER.
Remember when we were told that Attorney General Barr was ‘the real deal’, that he was going to get to the bottom of the coup against candidate and then President Trump? Well, that turned out to be a complete and total lie.
Just like his father who once hired Jeffery Epstein to teach the Dalton School, AG Barr was a fraud, a loser, and like a compromised agent of the DS.
Now we are learning that the man he appointed to study the origins of the coup against Trump, United States Attorney Durham is also a huge pile of … (pick your own noun).
America’s #1, most over the target news and opinion site, The Gateway Pundit just published a bombshell piece:
‘Attorney Ty Clevenger, involved in uncovering material related to the Seth Rich case from the Federal government, was notified yesterday that Attorney John Durham was planning on destroying all Russia Collusion evidence by April 28th. Clevenger rightly requested that this evidence not be destroyed.’
Here is the content from the letter:
Mr. Durham,
On October 12, 2020, I sent a letter to you and then-Attorney General William Barr about the need to preserve evidence related to the origins of the “Russian collusion” investigation. Neither you nor anyone else at the Department of Justice responded to the letter.
Yesterday I learned that the evidence is due to be destroyed not later than April 28, 2021 pursuant to a protective order. I urge you again to take steps to secure the evidence and prevent its destruction, in no small part because I believe the public has a right to know what it reveals. I cannot discuss the exact nature of the evidence, however, because of the restrictions in the protective order.
If another lawyer informed me about the evidence that was relevant to one of my cases, I cannot imagine sticking my head in the sand the way you have. Like President Trump, I’ve come to suspect that you and Mr. Barr were acting in bad faith, and that you appeased President Trump with the pretense of a legitimate investigation even as you were “running out the clock.” That said, please feel free to prove me wrong.
Ty Clevenger
Attorney Clevenger provided to Gateway Pundit the letter he sent to Attorney Durham:
There is only two things to conclude from this: the Seth Rich case clearly involved evidence that compromises the government or people who have leverage over decisions makers in the government and there is damning evidence in the coup investigation that would bring down the Deep State.
This will be looked back on as the moment that we know, beyond any reasonable doubt, that justice in this country is dead and has been dead for well over a decade.
The Deep State is now in 100% control of the levers of power … and apparently has been the whole time. So much for ‘trust Durham’.