How does the leftist media blow past red flags on a Police Chief who chooses to wear a mustache like Adolph Hitler and wears Swasticas? Why would anyone oppose a good cop, with political support from Republicans and Democrats, who confronted an actual Nazi-loving cop? Why would leftists be hounding a respected former police officer and decorated war veteran on social media by claiming he is anti-police?
The radical left is so afraid of Daniels winning that they will do anything to asUS Rep. Matt Cartwright, Democrat stated, “to keep Teddy from the halls of congress” that they will outright lie to try and accomplish that.
Key Point: The left has so little negative, that is truthful, to say about Republican-Populist US House candidate Teddy Daniels that they are left with the hope no one will fact check their gossip and Google: Michael Combs, Police Chief.
“No one hates a bad cop better than a good cop,” Daniels said May 31, 2020, on Facebook.
Here he is:
Daniels is a good cop who confronted a bad cop named Michael P. Combs, who has a documented string of abusive behavior against anyone who confronted him. As a result, Daniels left the police force to enter the military rather than serve under Combs on the police force. So ask yourself why leftists would use his switch in careers, from cop to enlisted soldier, to build a narrative against him that he is “anti-police.”
Because they desperately need something to stop the momentum he is building for his campaign. The media is a powerful weapon against candidates, and in this case, they are lazy because truthful information about Daniels is easy to find with simple online searches.
Seems weird- right? Could it just be another case of dirty politics? I believe so. Here is my investigation.
Daniels is running for the US House in Pennsylvania, a district that President Donald J Trump won twice.
Daniels was a police officer in Minersville, PA, and it is right here where the opponents of his “America First” agenda start giving him flack.
“You are anti- police,” “Minserville is going to come back to haunt you,” and “you got fired from Minersville,” read posts on Daniels campaign timeline.
For example:
Teddy Daniels dumb as a stump, fired police officer, not retired and he lies on his website. Leaked own headcam footage unlawfully and blamed somebody else after it went viral, exploits his Purple Heart for political gain #teddydaniels #InsurrectionHasConsequences #Insurrection
— The Good Fight (@TheGood28462164) July 31, 2021
Frequently there are hit pieces on Daniels by the local leftist news, like this one from Scranton, which claimed that Daniels mocks the “thin blue line.” Where did that start, and why?
Check this out by Chris Kelly, who seems to be pouting about Daniels’s viral campaign ad that has gotten over 1 Million views. Kelly obviously attempted to create a diversion from the ad by casting him as anti-police, which is picked up by Yahoo News and promoted as a real story: