Do you still believe your government is working on behalf of the American people? Do you still believe that the federal government is working to protect you? Your rights?
If so, then you haven’t been paying attention. Senior White House, Department of Justice, Intelligence, and military officials lie to you every day. CDC Director Rochelle Walensky lied four times a couple weeks ago about CDC data. Government officials now lie about things that are very easily revealed as lies. They don’t care.
James Clapper was the Director of National Intelligence under the Obama administration and he lied during Congressional testimony when asked if the NSA was collecting records about millions of Americans. He said the NSA was not collecting information on Americans and a few months later, reporters discovered that Clapper lied. He was never held accountable for that.
John Brennan, Obama’s CIA chief lied to Congress when he testified that the CIA was not spying on the US Senate. Later on, he had to change his story after the CIA got caught spying on the Senate. Nothing happened to him for lying to the US Congress. In fact, Brennan went on to be the most public and grumpiest anti-Trumper of the lot, knowing he could still be held accountable even under a new administration. He just didn’t care.
That’s the problem today. They know that we know they are lying to us and they no longer care. There used to be a time not all that long ago when you would lose your job if you got caught lying. Now, it’s used on your resume to get an administration position.
Though it’s really bad now, the government overstepping its bounds isn’t a new thing.
A professor at Georgetown once wrote, “The FBI has a lead. A prominent religious leader and community advocate is in contact with a suspected sleeper agent of foreign radicals. The attorney general is briefed and personally approves wiretaps of his home and offices. The man was born in the United States, the son of a popular cleric. Even though he’s an American citizen, he’s placed on a watch list to be summarily detained in the event of a national emergency. Of all similar suspects, the head of FBI domestic intelligence thinks he’s “the most dangerous” at least “from the standpoint of … national security.”
The man that the FBI determined was so dangerous to our country that he was to be arrested if something happened in the country that was considered a national emergency was Martin Luther King, Jr.
Admiral John Kirby serving as the press secretary for the Department of Defense for the Biden administration is just out and out lying every time he is on a news program answering questions about Afghanistan. Fox News’ Bret Baier asked the admiral, “Does the US military consider the Taliban an enemy?” The spokesman for the Defense Department could not say that yes, the Taliban is our enemy.
Kirby responded with gibberish about the thing they are working against right now is “time and space, and we want to get as many people out of Kabul as we can … in as little amount of time as we can.” He went on to say, “There are no hostile interactions right now between American forces and the Taliban, and we want to keep it that way.” Really?
What is he talking about? There are hostile interactions going on right now between the Taliban and American citizens who can’t get out of the country. An enemy is deemed so when it is against the American people more so than US troops. Our military troops fight the enemy on our behalf. Admiral Kirby is playing word games with the truth. He wants you to believe the only violence that could take place in today’s Afghanistan is between the Taliban and US troops, and that’s just a lie.
Baier then asked Kirby, “If the British can take their paratroopers and they can get in vehicles and go get their people and get them to the airport, why can’t the US do that? If there is a deal with the Taliban to provide safe passage, why is it left to the Americans outside of that ring to get there on their own? Why can’t we send vehicles to go get them?” He asked fair and straightforward questions.
Kirby responded saying, “We have not seen any great impediments to the safe passage that the Taliban has agreed to facilitate. Americans are getting through those checkpoints and they are getting onto the base, on the airfield, and they are being flown out of Kabul.”
Folks, we know from people on the ground that the Americans are not getting through the lines. Many are not getting on the planes, because the Taliban are controlling all the roads and they are not letting people through. It’s stunning how much the Biden administration trusts the promises of Taliban terrorists against the people on the ground who are calling loved ones and telling them they have no way to get out.
According to the administration’s own information, the majority of people who are being taken out of the country are not even American citizens. Kirby is just lying, and this administration has no problem with that. The data and the facts do not support what Kirby is saying, and this regime thinks we have to believe what they tell us no matter what. The truth no longer matters to the people in this administration.
But it matters to people who have loved ones over there who are desperately trying to get out.
From opening up our borders and letting in tens of thousands of illegal migrants, at least 40,000 testing positive for COVID that we know of, while at the same time talking about locking Americans down again along with mask mandates and talking of mandating vaccinations, to destroying our economy practically overnight, to forcing critical race theory to be taught in our public schools, and now lying about the botched withdrawal of our people out of Afghanistan making us a laughingstock to the world, one has to wonder if you wanted to destroy the United States would you do anything differently from what the Biden administration has been doing since January?