It’s become common nowadays to see a so-called educator pushing their personal political beliefs on children of all ages. Typically, nothing comes from it and liberals deem those educators as ‘brave’, but Americans’ patience has grown thin— as one Alpine teacher would soon find out.
Leah Kinyon can be seen on the video cursing at the student who argues against the teachers political rhetoric:
“I hate Donald Trump. I’m going to say it. I don’t care what y’all think. Trump sucks. He’s a sexual predator. He’s a literal moron. Go tattle on me to the freakin’ admins — they don’t give a crap,” Kinyon screeched.
Kinyon turned her attention to vaccines: “I am, like, so over it. I will be super proud of you if you choose to get the vaccine.”
“This is my classroom, and if you guys are going to put me at risk, you are going to hear about it. I have to be here, and I don’t have to be happy about the fact that there are kids coming in here with their variants that could get me or my family sick. That’s rude. And I am not going to pretend like it’s not. So don’t ask me to.”
Kinyon took it a step farther and insulted the students and their parents saying, “Most of y’all’s parents are dumber than you. I’m going to say that out loud. My parents are freakin’ dumb, and the minute I figured that out, the world opens up. You don’t have to do everything your parents say, and you don’t have to believe everything your parents believe because most likely, you are smarter than them.”
According to reports, Kinyon lost her job after footage of his rant went viral:
“We became aware late this afternoon of an incident that took place today in one of our high school classrooms. An immediate investigation ensued. The employee has been put on administrative leave pending a thorough investigation. This behavior is inappropriate, not reflective of the professional conduct and decorum we expect of our teachers, and will not be tolerated.”
“Although the details of a personnel investigation are confidential, the teacher involved is no longer an employee of Alpine School District,” the statement read.