Cover Ups

Cruz Blows Dem’s Cover ‘They Want To Change The Conversation’, Here’s Why

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Texas Senator Ted Cruz blew Democrat’s cover Sunday while speaking with FN host Maria Bartiromo. Democrats are scrambling to force through a mandate and their $3.5T spending package but Cruz says its all a destruction. According to Cruz, Biden has royally screwed up so bad that Democrats are flooding the American public with policy changes and bills to distract them.

“With all of these crises unfolding, whether it’s Afghanistan, China and the threat that it poses, the wide-open border, you’ve got the Biden administration trying to change the conversation,” host Maria Bartiromo said. “They are pushing through this [three] and a half trillion dollar spending package.”

“Will they get it through?” she asked. “Will we see all of our taxes go higher as a result of all of this? They want to change the economy fundamentally with this green new economy.”

“Look, you are right. This is the Bernie Sanders budget,” Cruz responded. “Bernie Sanders is a wide-eyed and admitted socialist. He says this is the most transformational bill in a generation. He means that it; it is trillions in spending. It is trillions in new taxes. It is the Green New Deal, it is — everyone who pays taxes in America will see their taxes go up under this massive proposal. Individual taxes are going up, corporate taxes are going up, small business taxes are going up, capital gains taxes are going up, the death tax is going up, seniors are getting hammered, farmers, ranchers, small businesses; it is disastrous.”

“Whether it passes or not will depend on 50 Democrats in the Senate,” Cruz continued. “Do they get Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema to go along? I can tell you Chuck Schumer is putting a world of hurt and pressure on the two of them. I hope they stand their ground, that they have demonstrated some real courage so far, standing up to the crazies in their party.”

“But you put your finger on what what the White House is trying to do,” Cruz concluded. “They want to change the topic from Afghanistan. It’s why Biden issued this completely illegal and unconstitutional vaccine mandate, because he wanted to change the topic from the disaster in Afghanistan. The vaccine mandate is going to be struck down in court. They know that, but the president is defying the law because he wanted the press to start defending him and stop talking about the disasters in Afghanistan. And he’s counting on a bunch of big businesses in particular, forcing their employees to comply before the matter is ever adjudicated. And before the order is struck down.”


With Schumer pressuring the only two sane Democrats left to vote for a literal Bernie Sanders spending package taxpayers should probably brace for the next big tax hike. If Cruz is right and all of this is just to distract voters then it’s one expensive plot. One, unfortunately, that will be left for taxpayers to contend with.

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