On Tuesday, several of Biden’s minions testified on Capitol Hill about Afghanistan and other topics as well. Commander of U.S. Central Command Gen. Kenneth McKenzie and Joint Chiefs Chairman Mark Milley were questioned on their impression of the Keystone Kops in Afghanistan. Milley was also questioned on leaking to the press about President Trump. Milley admitted that he spoke to Bob Woodward about his calls to his fellow travelers in China.
General Mark Milley spent hours with journalists spinning his egotistical self-promotion instead of doing his job. pic.twitter.com/JRAOi4TPLe
— Sen. Marsha Blackburn (@MarshaBlackburn) September 28, 2021
Milley, according to the book, committed treason when he promised to warn China in advance if we were going to attack them. He now claims he never thought Trump was going to attack China. But, if that were true, why did he find it necessary to make that promise to the Chinese communists? Milley appears to be someone who enjoys self-promotion over national security. This is exactly why he was a poor choice to be involved in anything, let alone anything that involves national security.
Senator Blackburn on Tuesday asked Milley if he had talked to Bob Woodward for the book he was writing. Milley admitted that he had, which means what Woodward added to the book he co-wrote with Robert Costa is true. Imagine if someone were to promise Americans that they would get a warning before Biden attacked them. Of course, that would never happen. Or at least we weren’t warned about any of the attacks Biden has made against Americans yet.
In their book. Woodward and Costa wrote:
“In a pair of secret phone calls, Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, assured his Chinese counterpart, Gen. Li Zuocheng of the PLA, that the U.S. would not strike.”
“Did you talk to Bob Woodward or Robert Costa for their book, “Peril”? Blackburn asked Milley.
“Woodward yes, Costa, no” Milley replied.
Milley admitted he leaked information to several journalists.
When asked if he was accurately represented in the books, Milley said he hasn’t read any of the books.
“Let’s have you read the books and then let us know if you are accurately presented and portrayed,” Blackburn said.
“Absolutely. Happy to do that,” Milley replied.
Milley also defended his call to the CCP promising to warn them of a possible attack. How is that not treason?
Why is this guy not in prison?