
Graham: A Bloody Future For US Troops Will Be Sooner Than You Think!

South Carolina Senator (R) Lindsey Graham made a terrifying, but obvious, prediction during an interview with BBC. Graham says that it’s not a matter of ‘if’ the US will return to Afghanistan but ‘when’. He explained that thanks to Biden troops will be in more danger than ever before.

“Whether you like Trump or not, whether you believe it’s Trump’s fault or Biden’s fault, here’s where we are at as a world: the Taliban are not reformed, they’re not new. They have a view of the world out of sync with modern times,” Graham said. “They are going to impose a lifestyle on the Afghan people that I think is going to make all of us sick to our stomach.”

“But most importantly, they are going to give safe haven to al Qaeda, who has ambitions to drive us out of the Middle East writ large and attack us because of our way of life. We will be going back into Afghanistan as we went back into Iraq and Syria,” he added.

Biden basically took a stable and secure situation and turned it into an unstable breeding ground for terrorists. This go-around will be so much worse because, in addition to creating a potential melting pot of terror, Biden left behind American weaponry and machinery. All in the hands of the Taliban.

“We’ll have to. We’ll have to because the threat will be so large. Why did we go back to Syria and Iraq? Why do we have 5,000 troops in Iraq today? Because of the caliphate rising, projecting force outside of Iraq, killing Americans, killing the French, attacking the British,” Graham said. “So, yes, it will be a cauldron for radical Islamic behavior. You cannot deal with this over the horizon.”

“Here’s my solution: help the resistance in the Panjshir Valley. The Taliban will not be able to govern Afghanistan, they’re hated by the Afghan people,” Graham said. “What’s going to happen over time is you’re going to see the resistance rise, ISIS will come after the Taliban large, and the entire country is going to fracture in the next year creating a perfect storm for Western interests to be attacked. You can do one of two things. You can say that’s no longer my problem and let it build and get hit, or hit them before they hit you.”

Trump urged Biden early on in the evacuation to blow up the weapons rather than leave them behind for terrorists to use but the killer-in-cheif left them intact. Ready to use on US soldiers in what could be the very near future.

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