In what can only be described as a complete repudiation of the Democratic Party, voters in a recent poll show that Republicans have taken the lead on security and the economy.
On national security, the Republicans lead by 15 points, 54% to 39%. On keeping America prosperous republican lead by 9 points,50% to 41%. When Biden took office, Democrats led handily in both categories. The turnaround was massive and it means that the midterm election could be a wipeout for Republicans.
Gallup claims:
“The 15-percentage-point GOP advantage on security matters is its largest since 2015, while its nine-point edge on prosperity is its largest since 2014. Last year, the GOP had a narrow advantage on international matters while the parties were essentially tied to economic matters. Most of this change has come from declines in Americans perceiving the Democratic Party as better on these issues than from increases for the Republican Party.”
“Americans typically see the Republican Party as more capable on national security matters, but the 15-point gap in favor of the GOP this year is the largest since a 16-point advantage in 2015. The party had an even larger 23-point gap in 2014, a time when the Obama administration was struggling to deal with the rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and renewed Middle East violence, among other issues.”
The Biden administration’s policies have been the main source of opposition to the DemocratysIn the past year, the Democrats have lost the trust of the people from 48% to 41%. This issue could be the deciding one, although, in the southern states, the issue could be the birder.
People have witnessed the rise in gas prices, and they will be climbing even further for people who need to heat their homes.
Americans’ mood on the economy has also soured under Biden. There was a seven-point drop in the percentage of Americans who say the Democratic Party is better able to keep the U.S. prosperous, from 48% to 41%.
“Republicans have had at least a small advantage on this for most of the past decade, with the current nine-point lead tying 2011 and 2014 as the largest for the GOP during this period. The only years since 2010 that Republicans have not led are 2012 and 2020, the two years in which Democratic candidates were elected president,” says Gallup.
“Since last year, there have been double-digit declines in the percentages of independents who say the Democratic Party is better at handling the most important problem (from 42% to 31%), at keeping the nation secure (from 43% to 31%) and at keeping the nation prosperous (from 47% to 35%),” Gallup wrote.