In keeping with their America Last policies, the Democrats have added a provision for free community college for all illegal aliens. Don’t you wish that Democrats would do just one thing for us Americans? Why should we pay for college for the millions of illegal aliens that are already here and the millions that are pouring in through Biden’s open borders? Maybe it’s just me, but I fail to see why they are my responsibility.
The Association of Community College Trustees wrote in a fact sheet for the bill:
“Community college students eligible to receive tuition assistance under this bill are those who qualify for in-state community college tuition. Individuals who are precluded from qualifying for in-state tuition due to their immigration status are also eligible for tuition assistance under this measure.”
In late September, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) told Fox News:
“Illegal immigrants skipped the line and broke our laws — they should not be rewarded with free tuition. But Democrats want to use your money to pay for them to go to college.”
“That’s not fair, and it will only incentivize more illegal immigration.”
Does anyone but me think we should replace Mitch McConnel with Tom Cotton? He is absolutely right. By rewarding illegal aliens we are sending an engraved invitation to come here for free college and with it comes financial aid for food, heat, and rent. Not to mention free healthcare. Then, after they graduate, they will get a job and displace Americans.
The Colorado Newsline reported :
“The proposal calls for the federal government to dole out $111 billion to states from 2023 to 2028. The states would use that money to cover tuition for community college students,” Newsline wrote. “To receive the money, though, states could not deny the tuition-free benefits based on ‘citizenship, alienage, or immigration status.’”
“Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina prohibit unauthorized immigrants from enrolling in at least some of their public universities and colleges,” Newsline reported. “Missouri, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Tennessee and Wisconsin bar undocumented students from receiving in-state tuition. Other states impose other restrictions on tuition benefits for undocumented students.”
Some Democrats have voiced concerns over President Joe Biden’s $3.5 trillion spending bill, including Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), who called the price tag the “definition of fiscal insanity.”
And while Democrats are trying to pass the bill under reconciliation, which would require only 51 votes in the Senate, the Senate Parliamentarian ruled in September that a citizenship path for illegal immigrants can’t be included. – END
If tuition for ‘Illegals’ would be free, anyone could potentially enter the nation illegally, that means that this bill would offer FREE community college tuition for … the entire world. Let that sink in …