Country star Toby Keith released a new song this week. The title is Happy Birthday, America. In the song, he relives the glory days of this country before liberals tried to tear it down and to usher in communism to replace patriotism. And before Democrats were willing to sell their souls to China, Russia, and Iran. His song relates how the country has been divided
Keith’s song has made Americans (As opposed to Democrats) stop and think about how close to extinction we are and just how long this nation can survive. The song begins with the chorus that celebrates the beginning of this country and how we stepped in to save the world twice during the big wars. It celebrates our freedoms and then tells how liberals have been “pissing” on our flag for years.
And it’s not politics that’s going to save the nation, the star reminds us — in fact, that’s what has broken us.
All the broken-down cities
By the left’s design
And the right can’t seem to get it right
Most of the time
Every time I go to town and vote
I just come home with the blues
The lesser of two evils
All we ever get to choose
Keith joined Fox News’ “Fox & Friends” on Friday in which he explained the song and then performed it for their audience. Keith said he wrote the song last summer when the country seemed like a dumpster fire. Probably set ablaze by antifa and BLM.
Keith said:
“I live in the heartland, and it just feels like everybody you talk to has the same worries — feels like democracy’s in trouble. You hear people talking civil war; you hear of separation of states. And it just feels like the politicians aren’t getting the job done on either side and it just feels like the democracy is in danger.”
“I was seeing both sides having concern over the end of democracy. We’ve fought and divided almost to the point it’s only about power and winning. Charlie Daniels had a song saying ‘God save us all from religion.’ And I’m thinking, God, save us all from politicians.”