On Friday’s episode of “Real Time,” host Bill Maher took on the tech tyrants of social media over censorship of the COVID-19 Wuhan lab leak theory. He also ripped the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for their equal corruption and incompetence.
The host called out on the carpet Facebook and Google for their censorship of the COVID-19 lab leak theory that argued the virus that killed over 3 million people around the world escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China.
“Facebook banned any post for four months about COVID coming from a lab,” Maher said during a panel discussion on the political talk show. “Of course now, even the Biden administration is looking into this.”
Believe me, I know all about this because I have been censored and demonetized by Facebook, Google, and Twitter for writing stories about the lab leak and stories about potential treatments for COVID-19 that were being used by doctors around the world with great success.
“Google – a Wall Street Journal reporter asked the head of Google’s health division – noticed that they don’t do auto-fill searches for ‘coronavirus lab leak’ the way they do for any other question and the guy said, ‘Well, we want to make sure that the search isn’t leading people down pathways that we would find to be not authoritative information,’” Maher excoriated Google, a company that has over 86% of the search market.
Maher then blasted the big tech giants, saying, “Well, you were wrong, Google and Facebook! We don’t know! The reason why we want you is cause we’re checking on this s***!”
Maher went on to criticize the head of Google’s health division. “He said, ‘We want to ensure that the first thing users see is information from the CDC, the WHO.,” Maher added.
“That’s who I’m checking on,” Maher angrily declared. “The WHO has been very corrupt about a lot of s***, and the CDC has been wrong about a lot of s***. This is outrageous that I can’t look this information up!”
It’s nice that at least one Hollywood leftist is complaining about things conservatives have been trying to talk about for over a year but they were censored by the very same tech tyrants.
Believe me, I know all about this because I have been censored and demonetized by Facebook, Google, and Twitter for writing stories about the lab leak and stories about potential treatments for COVID-19 that were being used by doctors around the world with great success.
“Google – a Wall Street Journal reporter asked the head of Google’s health division – noticed that they don’t do auto-fill searches for ‘coronavirus lab leak’ the way they do for any other question and the guy said, ‘Well, we want to make sure that the search isn’t leading people down pathways that we would find to be not authoritative information,’” Maher excoriated Google, a company that has over 86% of the search market.
Maher then blasted the big tech giants, saying, “Well, you were wrong, Google and Facebook! We don’t know! The reason why we want you is cause we’re checking on this s***!”
Maher went on to criticize the head of Google’s health division. “He said, ‘We want to ensure that the first thing users see is information from the CDC, the WHO.,” Maher added.
“That’s who I’m checking on,” Maher angrily declared. “The WHO has been very corrupt about a lot of s***, and the CDC has been wrong about a lot of s***. This is outrageous that I can’t look this information up!”
It’s nice that at least one Hollywood leftist is complaining about things conservatives have been trying to talk about for over a year but they were censored by the very same tech tyrants.
“Outrageous.” @BillMaher railed against Facebook and Google for banning and suppressing content about lab leak. “You were wrong, Google and Facebook….The CDC’s been wrong about a lot shit, this is outrageous that I can’t look this information up.” #RealTime pic.twitter.com/28dwaQGz9W
— Brent Baker 🇺🇦 (@BrentHBaker) June 26, 2021
Back in March, I did a story about ivermectin being used by medical doctors in Australia with great success. Apparently, doctors there said that people with COVID-19 after one dose of ivermectin had the virus completely gone from their bodies after 48 hours. For decades, the drug is listed by the WHO as a “clean drug” which means it’s a trusted medication. It is used by humans and animals. For animals, it is mainly used to control parasites, but it just so happens to be a remedy for COVID-19 in humans.
I uploaded a video to my YouTube to use in my story. The video was a news broadcast of a story on ivermectin being used in Australia and as soon as the upload progress bar hit 100% I got slammed with a message from YouTube telling me that my video violated YouTube’s Community Guidelines. How could they have known that when a nanosecond clearly wasn’t enough time for them to have watched my video? It’s because the tech tyrants wrote algorithms to catch anything Dr. Fauci or some other conspiratorial leftist didn’t want the people to hear about.
Facebook censored a live feed video of a summit of medical doctors around the world talking about their use of hydroxychloroquine to treat patients. The other tech tyrants followed suit and pulled the video as well.
Make no mistake that the big tech censorship was about getting rid of Donald Trump, and now that he is gone they are censoring information about election fraud as battleground states are fighting to inspect ballots they believe are a part of a massive voter fraud scheme.
Back in April, Maher supported Republican Governors Greg Abbott of Texas and Ron DeSantis of Florida for opening up their states and allowing American citizens to go outside again. Can you imagine?
“Sunshine is the best disinfectant and Vitamin D is the key to a robust immune system,” Maher said. “Texas lifted its COVID restrictions recently and their infection rates went down in part because of people getting outside to let the sun and wind do their thing. But to many liberals, ‘That can’t be right because Texas and beach-loving Florida have Republican governors,’ but life is complicated.”