In Case You Missed It … The FBI is at war with anyone to the right of Mao … As we have said before, we condemn the violence and trespassing that occurred on January 6th. That being said, the way the Biden Administration has been handling the prosecution of everyone they can somehow connect to that day is also raising red flags.
This reeks of a familiar archetype, the archetype of the teased and incompetent child who finds themselves in a position of power over those who have disrespected and discounted them.
No one I talk to respects the United States government, Biden or Harris. No one seems to believe the election results either. Quite frankly I am shocked by how many people no longer have any faith in our government, OR our elections.
Everyone makes fun of Biden, and his lack of mental acuity is far from a secret. Now that his DOJ is trying to turn the unfortunate events of 1/6 into a 21st century ‘Oklahoma City’ when everyone knows it clearly was not anywhere near as severe. The only people killed during the event were killed by the government, the people who ‘stormed the Capitol’ did not kill anyone, nor did the DOJ find anyone with weapons … except leftists.
Now we are hearing about more people being rounded up and essentially disappeared by Biden’s FBI … a FBI which has been under the control of the Marxists since, at the very least the Obama Administration, and most likely since Bill Clinton’s first term.
The latest person to be scooped up and disappeared (her family has not heard from her since she was arrested in the middle of the night) is a young female Christian volunteer named Elizabeth Rose Williams.
The Gateway Pundit reported:
‘Elizabeth was scooped up by FBI agents in an early morning raid at her home in Ingram, Texas.
The FBI waited until 4-6 AM to raid this Christian woman’s home.
Elizabeth’s friend told The Gateway Pundit, “She is the sweetest girl. I can’t believe this happened.”
Elizabeth was planning a Freedom Fest outing on Saturday March 27th in the Ingram City Park.
The outing includes face-painting and fireworks and games.
The Daily Beast reported on Elizabeth’s arrest with her boyfriend:’
A Texas lifestyle coach and essential oils guru has been charged after storming the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 with her QAnon-obsessed boyfriend who documented “patriots [going] to war” on his social media.
Elizabeth Rose Williams, a Kerrville, Texas resident, and her boyfriend, Bradley Stuart Bennett, were arrested last week for violent entry and disorderly conduct and knowingly entering a restricted building. In a newly unsealed criminal complaint, prosecutors allege the pair were seen on video wandering around the Crypt and the Senate Chamber gallery as thousands of MAGA rioters stormed the Capitol.
“Storming the Capitol. Pray for us all,” Bennett wrote in a Facebook post provided to federal authorities by a tipster.
According to social media posts and her personal website, Williams is a lifestyle coach, a natural health enthusiast, “all American,” and a musician passionate about “living every day with purpose.” Her site says she started a “home-based business” at 18, and received “the equivalent of a degree from The School of Hard Knocks—if there even is such an accreditation.”
Look, the people who broke the law and trespassed at the Capitol should face justice, they did break the law. However, the people who made terrible judgement calls, entering the Capitol without permission, when it was supposed to be secure, should not be turned into political prisoners.
You the FBI can identify the people who broke the glass, who attacked cops and LE officers, then I agree, they need to face stern justice, as attacking cops and vandalizing government property is NOT OK (unless you are a leftist on the West Coast, of course).
The bottomline is this: we need a single set of rules and laws for all Americans that does not take into account their political persuasions. Until we have that this country will never heal from the wounds of 2020. The scary part is the Biden Admin and their handlers likely know this, and I believe they are exploit it for their political benifit. We must Pray from Elizabeth and pray for this country. If we do not return to God all will be lost.