ICYMI- Democratic Oregon Rep. Kurt Schrader slammed his party’s COVID-19 relief bill Monday over their insistence that the bill includes a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage even after the Senate parliamentarian rules that the provision cannot be passed through reconciliation.
Rep Kurt Schrader asks if the rules apply to Democrats.
They have two options for dealing with the situation.
The Senate can amend the bill to leave out the $15 dollar an hour minimum wage and return the bill to the House for a new vote that would be voted down by the Democratic extremists, or they can defy the parliamentarian and hope the Supreme Court upholds the bill.
That seems likely since liberals seem to have a voting majority at the court.
But, will they take that chance? Probably.
Schrader said:
Why are we not allowed to represent our districts? There’s a ton of stuff in here that has nothing to do with COVID, nothing to deal with the emergency at hand. Some of it’s very good, you know, good stuff, but not at all related to COVID. You know, that’s, that’s being I think, disingenuous to the American people or the Oregonians. The minimum wage increases ruled out of order by the parliamentarian and we did it anyway. The rules don’t apply to us?”
“I’d argue respectfully, as a small businessman for 30 plus years, there’s not a small businessman or woman out there that thinks raising the minimum wage in the middle of a pandemic when we’re trying to get them to hire people, makes it good, makes good sense. Particularly in struggling restaurant and hospitality industries. It makes no sense at all.”
The Congressional Budget Office has predicted the loss of 1.3 million jobs if it passes.
Other groups are predicting even higher numbers of those who would lose their jobs.
Some as high as 2.1 million jobs lost. And when you add in the open borders policies and Biden handing out green cards like candy, employment for Americans will be dismal indeed.
There were “a number of very huge problems, number one is there was no legislative process. I mean, we were presented with 1.9, not allowed or encouraged to offer amendments … The voice of the elected representatives not heard in this package at all, it was a take it or leave it approach and $1.9 trillion dollars, every other COVID package that we’ve done, not only has been bipartisan, but has gone through an extensive vetting process, you know, before, during and after the after, you know, that came together,” Schrader said in the interview.