The Republican Party has voted to no longer recognize Liz Cheney as a Republican because you are judged by the company you keep. It won’t hurt them politically since her approval rating is an anemic 19%. She is up for reelection in 2022 at which time the coroner will officially declare her political career dead. She still claims she is a Republican even as she works for and votes with Nancy Pelosi.
Cheney’s anti-trump rage is only surpassed by perennial liar Adam Schiff. Cheney is one of ten Re4publicand who voted for the impeachment OF Trump even though he committed no crime. Two of the ten who voted for impeachment have already resigned as the polls showed them losing badly. But both of them had much higher approval ratings than Cheney. Her ratings are lower than the ratings for cockroaches, lawyers, and peanut butter and mustard sandwiches.
Jeremy Adler, spokesperson for Cheney said:
“She is bound by her oath to the Constitution. Sadly a portion of the Wyoming GOP leadership has abandoned that fundamental principle and instead allowed themselves to be held hostage to the lies of a dangerous and irrational man.”
The vote could well be in response to a speech she gav3e in New Hampshire where she bashed Trump. CNN claims she has a path to the ptresid3ncy because of that speech. Ted Cruz agreed. he says that path is the Democratic primary.
Cheney said:
“At this moment when it matters most, we are also confronting a domestic threat that we’ve never faced before: a former president who’s attempting to unravel the foundations of our constitutional Republic, aided by political leaders who have made themselves willing hostages to this dangerous and irrational man.”
She went on in the speech to rebuke the policies of Biden and the Democratic Party and enumerate the principles of conservatism as she saw them.
Cheney is facing a list of primary challengers for the at-large seat for Wyoming. Trump has endorsed Cheyenne attorney Harriet Hageman.
“Liz Cheney stopped recognizing what Wyomingites care about a long time ago,” Hageman claimed. “When she launched her war against President Trump, she completely broke with where we are as a state.”
Cheney responded to the endorsement with a defiant message: “Bring it.”