IN CASE YOU MISSED IT .. THIS WAS CLASSIC| Not a day goes by where an out of touch, mega wealthy, Hollywood leftist, who lives in a mansion and is living the capitalist dream, attacks President Trump in some sort of unhinged, nonsensical rant.
Today’s ‘star’ to attack Trump is Ron Howard.
I’m sure you remember Ron Howard from the iconic TV show, Happy Days:
What a cute lil feller, eh? I have fond memories of watching Happy Day’s reruns on Saturday mornings on our little cathode ray tube when I was growing up.
Well, now that Ron is all grown up, his true character has begun to shine through.
As if it is some sort of right of passage on the left coast, especially in the film business, to launch baseless attacks on President Trump, Howard took to Twitter to slander our President:
In the entertainment industry many who have known/worked w/ Trump think that while his reality show was fun and ran a long time, he’s a self-serving, dishonest,morally bankrupt ego maniac who doesn’t care about anything or anyone but his Fame & bank account & is hustling the US
— Ron Howard (@RealRonHoward) January 1, 2020
“In the entertainment industry many who have known/worked w/ Trump think that while his reality show was fun and ran a long time, he’s a self-serving, dishonest,morally bankrupt ego maniac who doesn’t care about anything or anyone but his Fame & bank account & is hustling the US” Howard Tweeted
He must be referring to those foreign energy sector board seats that Trump’s children got while their dad was in office.
Wait, no, that was Hunter Biden.
Perhaps he is referring to the alleged ‘China Hustle’ which is said to have defrauded investors out of billions?
No, that, allegedly, was Hunter Biden.
Oh, I know, I think he was talking about the allegations of the 156,000,000 dollar plus ‘counterfeiting’ scam.
Poop, no, that too was … Hunter Biden.
Ok, Ok, he must have been talking about the Trump Foundation receiving well over $100,000,000 after his State Department signed off on the transfer of 20%+ of our nation’s uranium supply to Russia, via a Canadian company, right?
Nope, that was HRC.
Ok, I’m stumped. I mean, surely he can not be talking about the Dow’s record high under Trump?
I could go on, but you get the point.
Luckily, conservative firebrand, Mike Cernovich took Howard to task:
You take money from communist China.
— Cernovich (@Cernovich) January 2, 2020
And THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is how it is done.