There are no depths that the left is not willing to sink to. SUNY (State University of New York) Freedonia professor, Stephen Kershnar is a prime example of that. He believes that even having sex with a one-year-old should be acceptable and he even questions whether informed consent is even necessary.
As bad as he is, SUNY is even worse. Although they claim that they do not agree with Kershnar, they refuse to say if he will face any punishment for his views. If a professor would say that President Trump was a good president, their butt would still be bouncing off the pavement. A school must have its standards. I now know why my father used to call them educated idiots.
Kershnar “philosophized:
“Imagine that an adult male wants to have sex with a 12-year-old girl. Imagine that she’s a willing participant. A very standard, very widely held view is there’s something deeply wrong about this. And it’s wrong independent of it being criminalized.” He continued, “It’s not obvious to me that is in fact wrong. I think this is a mistake. And I think that exploring why it’s a mistake will tell us not only things about adult-child sex and statutory rape but also about fundamental principles of morality.”
A message from SUNY Fredonia President Stephen H. Kolison
— SUNY Fredonia (@FredoniaU) February 2, 2022
You can watch the whole disturbing interview below. Notice the way Kershnar and the “man” interviewing him exude unctuous pomposity as they discuss adults having sex with kids as young as one year old.
P.S.: At the 3:00 minute mark, Kershnar questions whether consent is even necessary, even comparing it to a kid “consenting” to do other things they don’t want to do, like go to the doctor.
I can’t warn you enough about this video. It’s nasty and Kershnar is an animal. He even states (5:40) that the notion of sex with a one-year-old being wrong “isn’t obvious to me.” He then immediately claims he has heard about grandmothers allegedly “fellating their baby boys to calm them down when they’re colicky.”
Remember, sociopathic, child molesting liberals now refer to pedophiles as “MAPs,” short for Minor Attracted Persons, yet another attempt to normalize what they want to do with kids.