Those of us who are not blinded by the media and can think, as well as process information on our own, are well aware that the American people are not fans of Job Biden.
No mater how much the media props the old man up, it could not be more clear that Biden is one of the, if not THE, least popular president of our lifetimes.
Whether its leaving the Taliban with enough military equipment to make them one of the most well armed militaries in the world or the rampant inflation ravaging the nation, everyone has a reason to hate President Biden.
As they say ‘numbers don’t lie’ …
Jim Hoft, the founder of The Gateway Pundit reports:
Joe Biden’s latest approval numbers are a COMPLETE DISASTER for the Marxist Democrats and their lackeys in Big Tech and the fake news mainstream media.
With their open borders, millions of illegals flooding the country, massive, record inflation, complete lawlessness in the Democrat-run cities, and the collapse of fake news media, the Biden regime and Democrats are in deep, deep trouble.
Just 33% of Americans now approve of Joe Biden’s job performance according to Quinnipiac Polling, an organization that is typically a cheerleader for Democrats. It must be really, really bad.
All the lies from Jen Psaki aren’t going to make this pig fly.
FOX News reported:
President Biden’s approval rating has reached the lowest level of his presidency, with a new poll showing only a third of Americans approve of his job performance.
Just 33% of Americans approve of Biden’s job performance compared to 54% who disapprove, according to the results of a Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday. That mark ties the lowest approval Biden has received in the poll during his precedency, matching the number set in January when the president faced a 33-53 approval deficit.
Biden’s approval numbers are slightly among registered voters, with 35% saying they approve of the president’s job performance compared to 55% who disapprove.