Of all the lies that the FBI has told the American people, perhaps saying that they had no knowledge, nor any documents surrounding the Seth Rich murder is among the most absurd.
Thanks to the tireless work of attorney Ty Clevenger and The Gateway Pundit, the FBI was just forced to release some VERY damning documents which suggest that there is A LOT more to this story than the MSM has lead up to believe …
The Gateway Pundit reported:
The Stasi FBI released thousands of pages of documents today on murdered DNC operative Seth Rich.
This was after they denied for years they had nothing on the case.
It later was revealed that not only did they have thousands of pages of documents
** The documents were posted today on the FBI Vault —
Have at it…
For years Attorney Ty Clevenger requested this information on the case from the FBI.
This week the FBI released the information without notifying Clevenger.
Now this…
The FBI documents included these two documents that mention Robert Mueller and Hillary Clinton from pages 134 and 135.
This email mentions Mueller holding the name of the hitman.
This email says Clintons hired to murder Seth Rich.
No explanation is given.
And this was posted on page 59. That it was “conceivable” that an individual or group would want Seth Rich dead.
Why was this redacted? READ MORE AT THE GATEWAY PUNDIT