Joe Biden slammed Trump supporters calling them extremists and here to double down on the groomer-in-chief’s radical insults was Morning Joe’s own Joe Scarborough. The unhinged MSNBC host went on a particularly deranged rant, calling Trump supporters ‘MAGA freaks’ and screeching that they’re ‘crazy as a shithouse rat.’
MSNBC didn’t even have the common decent of bleeping his foul mouth out.
Scarborough went on to fret over the pandemic even though the CDC has lifted mask mandates and Dr. Fauci has declared that we are no longer in a pandemic:
“It does seem like we’ve all just sort of breezed past that one-million mark. We all remember back in the spring of 2020 when we had officials saying maybe 70,000 people would die. Maybe 100,000 people would die. I remember there was a British — maybe it was from Kings College, but there was a British research institution, university, that said up to a million people would die.
My God, the chuckling from the MAGA freaks, the disregard from the MAGA freaks, the same people who worshipped Donald Trump for saying it was two or three people that came in from China and it would soon go away. Those MAGA freaks proven wrong time and time again.”
He didn’t stop there. According to Joe, anyone who questions the liberal agenda is a freak including “Washington politicians who are just acting like freaks . . . We need to look at the type of candidates that Jen Psaki and the White House are talking about. We need to look at what’s before us, and how extreme these Washington politicians, these MAGA Washington freak”, Scarborough continued only growing more furious that Trump is currently winning.
He concluded, “These people are, if I can quote Aristotle here, crazy as a shithouse rat.”
His statement shocked his wife and co-host Mika who shouted “Oh MY GOD!” but as I said, the network didn’t have the decency of bleeping it out.
MIKA BRZEZINSKI: President Biden using the issue of abortion as an example of what he calls the, quote, ultra-MAGA agenda. Sharpening his midterm message against the Trump wing of the Republican Party. Calling it the most extreme in recent American history.
JOE SCARBOROUGH: You can actually make it more simple. Just call them Trump crazies. Say they’re crazy as — well, we’ll fill in that blank later.
MIKA: We have a lot of examples . . . And it’s been 27 months since the first confirmed case of Covid in this country. Now, the US has passed a stunning one million deaths from the virus.
SCARBOROUGH: It does seem like we’ve all just sort of breezed past that one-million mark. We all remember back in the spring of 2020 when we had officials saying maybe 70,000 people would die. Maybe 100,000 people would die. I remember there was a British — maybe it was from Kings College, but there was a British research institution, university, that said up to a million people would die.
My God, the chuckling from the MAGA freaks, the disregard from the MAGA freaks, the same people who worshipped Donald Trump for saying it was two or three people that came in from China and it would soon go away. Those MAGA freaks proven wrong time and time again.