Rich Welsh| On Saturday, animal rights wackos went ape as they threw a large protest in New York City. In the summer, inside the Big Apple, each week there are different protests and pride parades. I guess this weekend was for the people who truly believe that animals have more rights than human beings.
The thing about rights is that you have to be able to stand up, declare them, and then defend them in order to have them. Human beings have rights and while it is up to humans to make sure that animals are not treated cruelly, animals do not have rights.
In all seriousness, I agree that there need to be people out there who make sure animals are treated well while still alive, but I’ve never once been convinced by a bunch of activists screaming, yelling, pouring fake blood on people, or dressing up as animals to tell me that I have to stop eating meat, wearing leather belts and shoes, etc. It’s just silly nonsense that takes away from real activism against animal cruelty.
Some of the animal rights folks lost their ever-loving minds when they spotted a man who was eating meat from a shish-kebab stick. O.M.G.!
The Twitter account Viral News NYC, an independent photojournalist, reported on the protest by the animal rights wackos in NYC, showing footage of protesters folding signs, and chanting things like “Go vegan!” and “Meat Is Murder!” along with an oldie but a goodie, “It’s not fashion. Violence!”
Massive crowd of Animal Rights activists shutdown the streets of #NYC to demand #AnimalRights
— Viral News NY (@ViralNewsNYC) August 27, 2022
Kind of creative to have folks beating on snare drums in time with the chants. Almost makes it less boring listening to them. Almost.
Some of these creatures were angry at the fact that there are people who like to eat ice cream.
Animal rights activists take to the streets of NYC to demand shops stop using animal products. Activists stopped at an ice cream shop and started speaking to people who were sitting outside the ice cream shop #NYC #ICECREAM #PETA
— Viral News NY (@ViralNewsNYC) August 27, 2022
Did you notice the woman holding the sign saying “DAIRY is SLAVERY, RAPE. Separating mothers & babies. GO VEGAN”