The theory that President Donald J. Trump could emerge as the speaker for US House has provided some comfort for supporters of Trump as they imagine what could happen with Trump as Speaker leading many oversight committees over the Marxist left- and then an impeachment of Democrat Joe Biden.
The idea is far-fetched- but then again, so was Trump as President, right?
Well, proponents of the idea may have something to cheer about as the concept is getting tossed out there again, after a short period of confusion over whether or not had endorsed the man who would likely be the Speaker- should the Republicans win and he retained his office- US Rep. Kevin McCarthy.
The Washington Examiner reported on Trump’s endorsement of McCarthy and the confusion:
“President Donald Trump made it clear that he has not endorsed anyone, including Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), for speaker of the House.
Toward the end of a recent interview, Trump interjected to correct conservative talk show host Wayne Allyn Root after he said Trump endorsed McCarthy for speaker. “No, I haven’t,” Trump said. “No, no, no. I haven’t,” he added through some cross-talk. “No, I endorsed him in his race. But I haven’t endorsed anybody for speaker.”
Indeed, Trump endorsed McCarthy in his reelection bid in California’s 20th Congressional District just two weeks ago. He made no mention of the House speaker role but did call McCarthy a “strong and fearless Leader of the House Republican.”
The interview comes at the same time two close associates announce that they believe Trump- himself- will run for speaker:
— Shaun Humphrey (@ShaunHumphrey65) June 20, 2022
JD Rucker Reported about his interview with Wayne Allyn Root, who said the same thing:
Few journalists have interviewed Donald Trump as often as nationally syndicated radio host Wayne Allyn Root. They are more than just acquaintances with a journalist-celebrity relationship. They are friends, which is why it’s no surprise Trump wanted to talk to Root privately about the possibility of the President running for Speaker of the House.
It’s a theory that has been proposed by many, originally by Root, that has major appeal to many of Trump’s fans. He would be second in line for the presidency and would be able to control impeachment proceedings against Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. If the cards were played properly, he could be back in the Oval Office in or before 2024.
I spoke to Root after his interview and he teased it with me on the latest episode of The JD Rucker Show. The interview he did with Trump should be running soon, so be sure to check out to catch it when it’s live.
Some may argue that Trump endorsed Kevin McCarthy for Speaker of the House, but Trump told Root that is NOT the case. He endorsed McCarthy for his Congressional seat, nothing more. That’s an important distinction and may hint at the possibility Trump may really be considering this play. After all, nobody has the power to derail a failing presidential agenda as much as the Speaker of the House.