sylvania tea leaves // Scott Johnson
John Fetterman’s stroke severely impaired his ability to function. He is unable to understand what is being said to him and can’t communicate his thoughts. Fetterman admits the former, and one can see the latter in his (partial) public comments.
To reassure Pennsylvania voters, Fetterman has released a doctor’s letter by Dr. Clifford Chen. Chen describes himself as a doctor who “established care with [Fetterman]” in May. Dr. Chen doesn’t mention that he is a generous Democrat donor, Fetterman supporter. The Washington Free Beacon’s Chuck Ross linked the records to Dr. Chen’s diagnosis. Chen did not respond to a request to comment. Fetterman’s medical records are still under lock and key.
To conclude that Dr. Chen is not a rabid Democrat, one doesn’t have to know that he has been diagnosed. Dr. Chen’s report says that Fetterman spoke intelligently and without cognitive deficits, and that his speech is normal. This is a classic example of who you gonna believe — him or yourself. I will believe what my eyes see.
News: @JohnFetterman has updated his medical report following a visit to his primary care physician.
Letter via his campaign
— Sahil Kapur (@sahilkapur) October 19, 2022
It would be wrong to take Dr. Chen’s note at face value, as the Oz campaign observed in its way. What does Fetterman’s neurologist say?
Rachel Tripp, Oz senior comms advisor, responds: “That is good news that John Fetterman was examined by a doctor. He can now debate for 90 minutes and take live questions from voters and journalists. He can also do a second debate right away.”
— Sahil Kapur (@sahilkapur) October 19, 2022
I have been searching for tea leaves to see the battleground races. One example was President Biden’s appearances yesterday with Fetterman at an event in Pittsburgh and a private fundraising in Philadelphia. I interpret that as Fetterman believing he needs help.
Biden is not a popular man. For example, in Ohio, Democrat senatorial nominee Tim Ryan would prefer not to be mentioned in the same sentence as Biden. We could witness Biden’s resolution conflicting forces in action at the Pittsburgh event:
On Thursday, President Joe Biden spoke in Pittsburgh about infrastructure policies. Senator John Fetterman was also present, but he did not take the stage. The president did not urge Pennsylvanians for their support.
Biden has cognitive issues that are visible to him, so it is hard to understand his comment.
Mrs. Fetterman will be “a great, wonderful lady in the Senate.” This is a tea leaf that suggests they anticipate the election and appointment of Democrat Josh Shapiro to governor.
John Fetterman’s wife, Biden: “Gisele you’re going be a great, great woman in the Senate.”
Washington Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon October 20, 2022
As I said, we all can see that Biden has his cognitive problems. As he tried to exit the stage in Pittsburgh, he again demonstrated this.
Joe Biden got lost again. Price (@greg_price11 October 20, 2022
Even though he was in a sound mind, I mean pre-stroke, assuming that he was ever of sound head — Fetterman was the worst Senate candidate in America. His current act is a joke. David Marcus gives us a Laughter is the Best Medicine take.
Thought bubble
“Don Corleone, I am honored and grateful that you have invited me to your daughter… ‘s wedding… on the day of your daughter’s wedding.”
— David Marcus (@BlueBoxDave October 20, 2022