is Our President? // (John Hinderaker)
Joe Biden’s mental decline has been obvious to everyone. Joe acknowledged it is “legitimate to worry about his fitness for the office.” He was very proud of that.
Biden’s latest senior moment (to use a phrase in this context that is unfair to seniors) was when he said to an interviewer that Congress narrowly passed the executive order that would allow him to forgive student debt. The video was first, then the larger point.
For all the clowns who claim it’s not in context, here is the complete clip. Biden falsely claimed that he “signed” a law to cancel student loan debt. Then he said that he “got it through a few votes.”
— Jake Schneider (@jacobkschneider) October 24, 2022
This video clip, like many others, shows shocking mental degeneration. Is Biden actually unable to remember that loan forgiveness was not passed the Congress-it never could-and that he himself evaded Congress by signing an executive or? Evidently not.
This raises a fundamental question: Did Biden actually know that he signed such a document? One might think that Biden knew what was going on at the time but then forgot. But why would we believe that? Based on our evidence, it seems equally probable, if not greater, that Biden never understood that loan forgiveness could not pass Congress; that it had been deemed beneficial to Democrats’ electoral chances; and that he should therefore sign an (illegal), executive order.
Who performed that analysis? Who came up with the legal justification? Who wrote the executive order? Who gave Joe Biden the order to sign? Biden was in the loop? Is Biden aware of the order other than what he may read from a teleprompter at that time? Who is acting as president?
I don’t know the answer, but I don’t think it’s Joe Biden.