ght for the day: Bono Knows Afterall // (Steven Hayward).
Stan Evans’s famous quip, “Whenever there are an urgent political issue or policy issue, i want to know what celebrities think.” has been repeated many times. It is important to hear from Bono.
We just heard Bono speak in a long interview about global poverty.
I ended up being an activist in a completely different area than where I started. I believed that if we only redistributed resources, we could solve all problems. It’s not true. It’s funny to realize, as an activist, that the off-ramp to extreme poverty is not commerce. It’s entrepreneurial capitalism. . .
[G]lobalization has helped more people get out of poverty than any other-ism. I will sign up for anyone who has a better idea. I didn’t like the idea of businesspeople being heroes. But if you bring jobs to the community and treat people well, you are a hero. That’s where my journey has taken me.
I’m not sure why he felt the need to add “ugh” in middle, but Bono celebrating entrepreneurial capitalism is going to cause a lot of lefties to feel compelled to call businesspeople “heroes”. Cancel Bono