re proud of the enemies we make // (John Hinderaker).
The most powerful force in Minnesota politics, according to universal consensus, is Education Minnesota, the teachers’ union. Education Minnesota is, in my opinion, the state’s greatest source of evil. My organization, Center of the American Experiment has been fighting for years against the harmful influence of teachers’ unions.
We are the only one that can effectively challenge their power. We have shown that the union spends more money on left-wing politics and less on representing its members. We also proved that Minnesota’s public schools are failing their students, contrary to popular belief.
Education Minnesota hates us. Yesterday, it sent this message to its members and, I presume, friends and supporters. The image is first, then the excerpts:
Education Minnesota is concerned about the fact that there are now meaningful school board races in Minnesota this year for the first time. The union has essentially appointed the school boards it controls and has “negotiated” with them. But, the Minnesota Parents Alliance is leading the revolution.
The origins of conservative, anti union forces in school board races
St. Paul Pioneer Press…
The Pioneer Press article was excellent. I wrote about it .
…has revealed the history of the Minnesota Parents Alliance, which is more closely related than many people thought to the Center of the American Experiment.
After two tours of Minnesota, Minnesota presented its incorrect and inflammatory view on critical race theory in 2021.
Education Minnesota is the local chapter for the National Education Association. It has enthusiastically supported the teaching of critical racism theory in public schools. The union does not offer any evidence that anything in any of our programs is incorrect. What was inflamatory was not our programs but the union’s introduction racism and anti-Americanism to the schools.
The CAE created a 501(c),(4) social issues group in the early 2022.
Is quality in public education now a “social problem”? It is a consistent description by the Left.
…to recruit and to train candidates for school boards.
John Hinderaker, President of CAE, recently stated on his blog that the intention was to bring together Minnesota parents to “wrestle control of the public schools awayfrom teachers’ unions in order to improve education and stop left-wing doctrine.”
This sums it all. Education Minnesota refers this Power Line post. I thank them for correctly quoting my name.
The Minnesota Parents Alliance was formed from this group. It has trained and recruited school board candidates across the state. The group has supported 120 candidates in the November election.
You are correct again! One side, the most powerful and financially well-funded special interest group in state. Parents concerned with their children’s welfare who have almost no resources. I’m betting on the parents.
The Center of the American Experiment is Minnesota’s most powerful advocate for school vouchers…
We are grateful! We are a major contributor to the possibility that Minnesota’s new legislature will pass meaningful, real school choice legislation when it meets in January. Education Minnesota has been blocking the doors to a better future for minority children for many years. It is like George Wallace in 1950s. This is about to change.
History lessons about whitewashing
This is code for talking about other things occasionally than slavery.
…Losing environmental protections
I don’t know what they’re thinking. Fair enough, we have voted against dairy farm expansion based upon cow flatulence, which is supposedly affecting global temperature. Perhaps that is what they are thinking.
…breaking unions…
We are fine with private-sector unions, but we do want to eliminate the corrupt power of public-sector unions, primarily Education Minnesota, which has done more harm to Minnesota’s children than any other institution.
…and lowering taxes for millionaires and corporations.
Typical left-wing dishonesty. We actually want to lower taxes for all taxpaying Minnesotans. But the far left won’t allow that to happen without destroying its fantasy world-view.
It organizes an annual campaign, Education Teachers, to encourage Education Minnesota members not to join their union.
Yes, indeed! We are seeing increasing success thanks to our efforts. Education Minnesota reported declining revenue and declining membership for the first time in its history. Why would a teacher spend their hard-earned money to fund political contributions to candidates with which he or she might not agree? It is now clear that Education Minnesota is corrupt and its power has waned.
You can support our fight against entrenched power by going here and hier to support American Experiment.