end at Biden’s // Scott Johnson
The newest York Post asks whether or not staffers are covering available President Biden the way they performed for Senate candidate David Fetterman. My tribute to the Fetterman campaign’s “Five for Fetterman” ”
We have frequently seen Biden’ s mental debility. Ray Charles can see it. We have have also invoked the black funny Weekend from Bernie’ s in this context. The Write-up editorial now dares to look there in ” Are we all living through ‘Weekend at Biden’s’? America needs to know, nevertheless the complicit media won’t request. ”
If we were taking gambling bets on a medical diagnosis, just what would the over/under be placed on Biden’ s mental aesthetics? I vary day to day about that. He himself possibly has good and bad days. Nowadays The problem is that Joe biden operating at 40 per cent of capacity probably is greater than Vice President Harris at total throttle. The Harris is actually