The Associated Press is ranting about how Big Tech companies like Facebook, Twitter and others aren’t doing enough in order to censor political speech prior to the midterm elections.
In an Oct. 21 article, the liberal outlet complained that “misinformation regarding voting and elections abounds in social media despite promises made by tech companies to address a concern blamed for increasing polarization or distrust.” AP is one of many liberal media outlets trying to get Big Tech listen to their cries and shut down their political opponents.
AP raised alarm that there are “less than three weeks until the polls close.”
AP even tried to make it seem that Big Tech’s acceptance of election speech could lead to violence.
According to the newspaper, platforms like YouTube, TikTok and Twitter claim they have increased their efforts to detect and stop harmful claims which could suppress the vote or lead to violent confrontations.” “[A] review on some of these sites shows that they’re still playing catch up with 2020, when then President Donald Trump’s lies regarding the election he lost in to Joe Biden helped fuel an uprising at the U.S. Capitol.
AP used Zignal Labs, a media intelligence firm, to complain that “[m]entions a’stolen electoral’ and ‘voterfraud’ have soared recently and are now the two most popular terms included with discussions of this election year.”
AP couldn’t stop shaming Big Tech’s inconsistency at hammering electoral-related opinions it disagrees with. David Klepper, AP “misinformation reporter,” stated that “[P]olicies intended stop harmful misinformation regarding elections aren’t always consistently enforced.” False claims can be hidden deep in the comments section where they can still leave an impression on other users.
It is not clear who the monarch knighted as the infallible gatekeeper for online truth the liberal AP.
Conservatives are being attacked. Your representatives should be contacted to demand that Big Tech is held accountable to the First Amendment and provide equal treatment for conservatives. Contact us via CensorTrack’s form if you feel your voice has been blocked. We will help you hold Big Tech responsible.