US Politics

Bringing Receipts Cruz DOMINATES The View. Liberal Audience on Dem election Denial

A tour de force is the best way to describe Monday’s ABC’s The View. Texas Senator Ted Cruz (R), dominated the discussion on Democratic election denialism. He got co-host Whoopi goldberg to admit that they are fine with election denial by Democrats and that she doesn’t believe former President Trump was legitimately elected. He did all this while battling the radical liberal studio audience who heckled and protested him and were only scolded after turning on the cast.

His interview for his new book Justice Corrupted: The Left Weaponized Our Legal System began with Sara Haines, co-host, downplaying the pain Americans felt from inflation and suggesting that abortion was more important.

Climate protesters began shouting at Cruz as Cruz was discussing inflation and how the “[the Biden] Administration’s] agenda has been a train crash.” They were allowed to continue for 31 seconds, and were only stopped by the cast when they began to criticize the show. (Click “expand”)

CRUZ: It’s very easy. Inflation, as Milton Freedman, Nobel laureate economist, explained, has only one cause in the United States.

PROTESTERS: Vote our climate now! Vote for our climate now!

CRUZ [continue chanting]: Inflation in America has one cause and it is when the federal government spends excessively.

PROTESTER: [Inaudible ranting]

HAINES [to Cruz] : Okay.

CRUZ: Last year, we saw trillions and trillions of dollars being spent by Joe Biden (and the Democrats). The federal government received $4 trillion in tax revenues last year, which is the largest amount of money we have ever taken in. Problem is, we’ve spent almost $7 trillion. That’s the problem.

“We do cover climate here guys,” shouted Alyssa Farah, Griffin, faux Republican co-host. Whoopi Goldberg, co-host, blew a gasket and screamed: “Excuse! Excuse me, ladies! Ladies! We are sorry! Let us do our job! Let us do our job! We listen to what you have to share, but you have to get on with your job! You have to get up! You got to let us do our job!”

After more protestors began shouting curses, they were forced to go to commercial breaks. ABC had to mut the audio. Cruz seemed amused, even though there was no sound, and he seemed to be laughing at the spectacle.

Ana Navarro, a self-described “Republican” host, pressed Cruz about Donald Trump’s 2016 attacks against his family. Cruz stated that he had to prioritize the needs of his constituents over his personal feelings. She sneered, “I would say your responsibilities were to the Constitution and democracy.”

Cruz responded by dropping the truth bomb about it being the Democrats that are undermining the country. This caused Goldberg choke and cough (Click on “expand”)

CRUZ: Yes. Let me be clear: I believe that the Democrats were undermining the Constitution, and undermining democracy.

[Goldberg appears choked and coughing]

CRUZ: — And that — Tomorrow’s book is about exactly that topic. It examines how the FBI and the Department of Justice have been used as partisan weapons against the Biden administration’s political opponents.

“While you’re referring to it, we corrupted. It’s not your concern, you guys,” Goldberg moaned, sparking this back-and-forth:

CRUZ: Whoopi! That’s a great talking point.

GOLDBERG: Sir, I don’t do talking points. This is how I feel.

CRUZ: It is not true.

GOLDBERG: Oh, honey.

Soon after, Sunny Hostin, a racist who claims Latino Republicans like Cruz were an “oxymoron”) shouted “Donald Trump weaponized The Department of Justice!” Cruz embarrassed herself by calling it her lazy attack (click the “expand”)

CRUZ: Please give me an example.

HOSTIN: Bill Barr.

CRUZ: Okay. You’ve given a name. What did Bill Barr do? Okay, “weaponize.” Tell me who the target was. Because I can tell ya who the Democrats are – Merrick Garland ordered the FBI to pursue moms and dads who attend school boards and treat them like domestic terrorists under the PATRIOT Act. It is absolutely wrong.

HOSTIN: Do you write about it in your book?

CRUZ: Yes, I do.

The sparks really took off when Farah Griffin attempted to corner Cruz on Jan 6. After he said that “Biden IS today the president,” he began to call out The View and the liberal media for their double standards in propagating and defending electoral denialism from Democrats.

“There are many people in the media who try to, every time a Republican is before a TV camera try and say, the election was fair, square, and legitimate. You know who you don’t do that to? It’s not fair to Hillary Clinton, who stood up and claimed that Trump stole the election. He called them out.

He added, “Why don’t you tell that Stacey Abrams said the election was stolen?” The ladies were TRIGGERED, and Goldberg let the mask fall by falsely declaring the 2016 election was STOLEN.

CRUZ: Tell that to Stacey Abrams, who claimed the election was stolen. They sat there and declared it illegitimate.

GOLDBERG: Yes! That’s right. It was.

CRUZ: Okay, it’s illegitimate if Republicans win, but not if Democrats win.

Goldberg tried to claim that Democrats don’t become violent after losing elections. Cruz also called her out for this lie as she tried to pretend Antifa didn’t exist (Click “expand”)

GOLDBERG [interrupting] Here’s the deal. We may not like it when Republicans win but we don’t go and we don’t storm. We don’t try and change the – We’ll be going to court. We won’t do that.

CRUZ: Did I forget an entire year of Antifa Riots in which cities were set on fire and police cars were firebombed?

GOLDBERG : I don’t understand what an Antifa riot means. I’m sure you did.

CRUZ: Your position, the left doesn’t engage in violence, actually?

“You accused us of doing something that we didn’t do.” You said Hillary Clinton didn’t say anything she didn’t say,” she whined, suggesting that they weren’t election deniers.

Cruz quickly reached into his jacket to retrieve a packet of Democratic quotes that claimed Republicans from Trump and George W. Bush had stolen election results. Goldberg was also amused by his “paperwork”. (Click “expand”)

CRUZ: She sat down here and you were fine with it.

GOLDBERG : Yes, it was for her.

[Cruz pulls a package of quotes]

HOSTIN: As did Stacey Abrams.


CRUZ: Hillary Clinton claims that Trump is an illegitimate President. Hillary Clinton asserts that “the election was stolen” from her. Hillary Clinton 2002: “George W. Bush was not elected.”

GOLDBERG [Mockingly] : Oh, you have all your paperwork.

CRUZ: Joe Biden, Al Gore was elected president.” Joe Biden also claims George W. Bush is illegitimate.

Cruz added the cherry to the cake by noting that even members on the January 6 Committee have been enslaved in election denialism. “The January 6 Committee chairman objected to a previous presidential election. To the protest of the cast, he recalled that Representative Raskin, the chief prosecutor of impeachment, objected to a previous presidential election. The interview was ended shortly thereafter by Goldberg.

Profitable sponsorships from Humana, Macy’s and Macy’s made it possible for The View to engage in disgusting behavior and denialism during the election. Their contact information can be found linked.

Below is the transcript. Click “expand” for more information:

ABC’s The View
October 24, 2022
11:33:41 Eastern


SEN. Ted Cruz (R-TX),: The agenda of this administration has been a disaster.

SARA HAINES – Let me ask you a question. So, I know that the economy is – oftentimes they say that we give credit when it’s good to presidents unjustly and we also criticize their actions, possibly unfairly, because there’s a free market here. What would your solutions as a Republican be to these problems?

CRUZ: It’s very easy. Inflation, as Milton Freedman, Nobel laureate economist, explained, has only one cause in the United States.

PROTESTERS: Vote our climate now! Vote for our climate now!

CRUZ [continue chanting]: The cause of inflation in the United States is one and only one, and that is when federal government spends too many dollars.

PROTESTER: [Inaudible ranting]

HAINES [to Cruz] : Okay.

CRUZ: Last year, we saw trillions and trillions of dollars being spent by Joe Biden (and the Democrats). The federal government received $4 trillion in tax revenues last year, the most money we have ever received in history. We’ve spent almost $7 trillion. That’s the problem.

ALYSSA FARAH GRIFFIN: We do cover climate here, guys!

WHOOPI GOLDBERG: Excuse Me! Excuse me, ladies! Ladies! We are sorry! Let us do our job! Let us do our job! We are open to hearing your thoughts, but we must get on with our jobs!


You have to get up! You got to let us do our job!

FARAH GRAFIN [to Cruz] : They weren’t even protesting you.

GOLDBERG: Let us do our job.

CRUZ: I couldn’t hear what they were saying.


Eastern, 11:36:27 a.m.

CRUZ: I believe this November election will be a tidal surge. I believe Republicans will retake both houses. The biggest reason is that people at home are asking, “Is my life better now than it was two year ago?” I believe the answer for the vast majority of Americans is no.

PROTESTER: Hey, [Muted]

CRUZ: [Appears smile and laugh]

SUNNY HOSTIN – [Appears shocked]


HAINES: Get on board, guys.



[Cuts to commercial]


Eastern, 11:44:34

ANA NAVARRO : I would say that your responsibility was to the Constitution, democracy, and Donald Trump, but it seems that we disagree.

CRUZ: Yes. Let me be clear: I believe that the Democrats were undermining the Constitution, and undermining democracy.

[Goldberg appears choked and coughing]

CRUZ: — And that — Tomorrow’s book is about exactly that topic. It examines how the FBI and the Department of Justice have been used as partisan weapons against the Biden administration’s political opponents.


HOSTIN: Which party turned you?

GOLDBERG: Right. Didn’t it? But the man you are supporting showed no respect for the Justice Department, and gave no respect for how it works. He doesn’t recognize a Subpoena. We have to fight to get people to do stuff.

You’re talking about how we corrupted it. It’s not something you guys pay much attention to.


CRUZ: Whoopi! That’s a great talking point.

GOLDBERG: Sir, I don’t do talking points. This is how I feel.

CRUZ: It is not true.

GOLDBERG: Oh, honey.


Eastern, 11:45:56

HOSTIN: Donald Trump has weaponized the Department of Justice!

CRUZ: Please give me an example.

HOSTIN: Bill Barr.

CRUZ: Okay. You’ve given a name. What did Bill Barr do? Okay, “weaponize.” Tell me who the target was. Because I can tell ya who the Democrats are – Merrick Garland ordered the FBI to pursue moms and dads who attend school boards and treat them like domestic terrorists under the PATRIOT Act. It is absolutely wrong.

HOSTIN: Do you write about it in your book?

CRUZ: Yes, I do.


Eastern, 11:47:37

CRUZ: On the inside, read the January 6 chapter.

GOLDBERG [interrupting] She asked you a very good question.

FARAH GRAFIN: I did read it. It was a book I read as a person.


FARAH GRAFIN: I read the chapter as someone who has largely endorsed you throughout your career. How do you reconcile your constitutional convictions and what happened on January 6, when 60 court cases were dismissed?

HOSTIN: You voted against the certification of the election.

CRUZ: Yes, I did.

FARAH GRAFIN [As Hostin rants behind the scenes]: So, was Biden legitimately re-elected? Because half of the party believes he was and it would be very persuasive for you to tell them the truth.

CRUZ: So, listen. Today, Biden IS the President. There are many people in the media at any given time.

GOLDBERG: Legitimately?

CRUZ: I’m going back to the question. Many people in the media try to, whenever a Republican is before a TV camera, try to say that the election was fair, square, and legitimate. Are you aware of who you don’t do it to? It’s not Hillary Clinton, who stood up and said that Trump stole the election.


FARAH GRAFIN [interrupting] They didn’t attempt to kill my pre–my ex-boss.

CRUZ: Tell that to Stacey Abrams, who claimed the election was stolen. They sat there and declared it illegitimate.

GOLDBERG: yes! That’s right. It was.

CRUZ: You guys were perfectly fine with it. It’s illegitimate if Republicans win, but not if Democrats win —

GOLDBERG [interrupting] Here’s the deal. We may not like it when Republicans win but we don’t go and we don’t storm. We don’t try and change the – We’ll be going to court. We won’t do that.

CRUZ: Did I forget an entire year of Antifa Riots in which cities were set on fire and police cars were firebombed?

GOLDBERG : I don’t understand what an Antifa riot means. I’m sure you did.

CRUZ: Your position, the left doesn’t engage in violence, actually?

FARAH GRAFFIN: They wanted to tie Mike Pence. How can you make sense of this?

GOLDBERG – I’m saying – You accused us of doing something that we didn’t do. You claimed that Hillary Clinton didn’t speak what she didn’t. Listen to me.

CRUZ: She sat down here and you were fine with it.

GOLDBERG : Yes, it was for her.

NAVARRO: She called Donald Trump in the morning and conceded the election to Ted.

[Cruz pulls a package of quotes out]

HOSTIN: As did Stacey Abrams.

GOLDBERG – Sunny has the question.

NAVARRO : She sat down as Donald Trump was being sworn in.

CRUZ: Hillary Clinton claims that Trump is an illegitimate President. Hillary Clinton asserts that “the election was stolen” from her. Hillary Clinton 2002: “George W. Bush was not elected.”

GOLDBERG [Mockingly] : Oh, you have all your paperwork.

CRUZ: Joe Biden, Al Gore was elected president.” Joe Biden also claims George W. Bush is illegitimate.

NAVARRO – You said that we don’t scream at one another. Or are you the only one who gets to scream at each other?

CRUZ: I agree.

NAVARRO: Okay. You can lower your voice, because we are very close. You may have come to this place to sell a book or pick a fight, but that’s not what we are going to do today.

CRUZ: Ana, address – Now, look at this January 6 Committee, which I believe is a kangaroo circus.

GOLDBERG : You have one minute, and I have to go.

CRUZ: A prior presidential election was objected by the chairman of January 6 Committee. The lead prosecutor for impeachment, Representative Raskin, objected to a previous presidential election. He is a complete hypocrite–

GOLDBERG [interrupting]

CRUZ: Oh, yes.

GOLDBERG: They did what they were supposed to do.

CRUZ: Trump was pursued by the Department of Justice, as the book explains.

GOLDBERG: Thank you Senator Cruz. His new book Justice Corrupted is now available to the audience.

PROTESTERS: [Shouting]

GOLDBERG: I’m sorry. I was trying to say that I had to go.

CRUZ: I understand.


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