CBS has already warned of threats to “our democracy” following Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter, the censorship-obsessed Twitter.
Musk completed his long-awaited acquisition of Twitter yesterday. He tweeted triumphantly: “[T]he birds are freed.” Within hours, the anti-American liberal media flocked to attack Musk’s deal, claiming that it could have “big consequences for our democracy” as well as worsen “misinformation” on CBS Mornings’ Oct. 28 edition. CBS is worried about the return of former President Donald Trump.
“I don’t know if it’ll be immediate, but it’s pretty clear that President Donald Trump will likely be invited back onto the platform,” CNET editor Ian Sherr stated.
CBS, of course, framed news about the Musk deal around “hate Speech” and not free speech right from the beginning. Jonathan Vigliotti, a CBS correspondent, asked: “How will Musk balance freedom of speech while discouraging and reining misinformation?” Millions of Americans are at stake.
Musk has spoken many times about the need for a “balance” between free speech, misinformation and free speech. In April, Musk stated that he believes “it’s very important for there be an inclusive arena for freedom speech.” Musk also reiterated the social significance of Twitter in an Oct. 27, 2012 letter to Twitter advertisers.
“The reason I acquired Twitter was to ensure that the future of civilization has a common digital square where diverse beliefs can be discussed in a healthy way, without resorting violence.”
Musk also attacked the “traditional media” for “fueling and catering” to “polarized extremities” on the internet in his pitch for advertisers.
Instead of interviewing Musk, or explaining his vision for the social media company, CBS chose to continue repeating tired propaganda lines about Russian interference in the 2016 presidential elections.
“I want to remind you that the U.S. Vigliotti reported that in 2016, prosecutors determined that a Russian agency used Twitter, and other social media sites to try to influence the election. “Even Twitter founder, who said misinformation about false election claims was the reason for the attack on Capitol last year,” Vigliotti reported.
This isn’t the first time CBS Mornings has attacked Musk on air. Vladimir Duthiers, a CBS correspondent, claimed that “a lot people think Elon Musk’s sort of like Bond villain now” amid speculations that Musk was planning to take over the social media giant.
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