Monday’s CBS Mornings ended with an eye-rolling, nauseating interview with April Ryan, CNN political analyst, theGrio White House Bureau chief and White House Briefing Room charlatan. This interview was conducted on the heels her new book Black Women Will Save the World, An Anthem, which Ryan claims was the first time anyone attempted to give credit to black women in history.
Michelle Miller, CBS Saturday Morning cohost, glowed in the introduction.
April Ryan is the longest-serving black female White House correspondent. She joined the White House press corps 25 years ago and has been a correspondent for five White House presidencies. Ryan is the Washington bureau chief at theGrio. Her new book, Black Women Will Save the World: A Anthem, is her latest. Ryan shares her own experiences and has conversations with black female leaders. She then outlines the obstacles many face and overcomes.
Miller lobbed the first softball. How do black women do this? How did they do it? Why are you sharing their playbook?
Ryan said she wrote the book because “now is the moment” and that “[w]e see a change, shift and no one is marking it and I believe from a unique perch that has been blessed to sit in for the past 25 years, so I said I had to do it” with black women at the White House podium, on the Supreme Court and in the vice presidency.
Ryan repeated the absurd falsehood that “noone is marking the moment” black women have achieved such success and should be applauded (thanks to Ryan) or history will forget about them.
It’s not surprising that Gayle King, King’s co-host, is the highest paid person at CBS News. King’s best friend Oprah has made billions as the most successful talkshow host of all time.
Ryan shared her love for her mom and said that she inspired her. She told Ryan that her mom had told her she could do anything and that she believed her. Now, Ryan is the longest-serving black female White House correspondent in American history.
Burleson’s final softballs was about how “black women” have mastered the art “juggling while carrying the weight of the entire world on their shoulders.” What advice does he have to offer women who feel “invisible in these spaces of power?”
Ryan immediately responded by invoking Valerie Jarrett, and, of course herself, right on cue. Worse, she told a tall tale about the Obamas that Michelle was not initially recognized on trips outside of the White House (click “expand”)
RYAN: Thank you for bringing that up. Valerie Jarrett was a former advisor to President Barack Obama. Sometimes, when she appears in these large rooms with world leaders at a table, she is like, “Wait a minute, do you belong here?” Yes, you belong — right. This woman is — has been a world leader —
BURLESON: For sure.
RYAN: — She comes from a lineage that includes slaves, haunts, and the ghost of slavery. Many of us walk into rooms and say, “Okay, I’m here.” Shelly Chisolm advised that if you don’t have a place at the table, you can bring a folding chair. We are assembling those tables and have the folding chair on our backs. But, we’re making solid chairs so that we can sit in them. And…
MILLER: It was done in the White House Press Briefing Room.
RYAN: But, I stand on the shoulders so many.
RYAN: I stand on Alice Dunagan’s shoulders and Ethel Payne’s shoulders, the late great GwenIffe. Nichelle — so many women came before me and poured into my, so I could be strong in the most difficult and the best of times. This is so powerful.
RYAN: Valerie Jarret told me a story about Michelle Obama and suggested that we talk about invisibility.
BURLESON: That’s right.
RYAN: Michelle Obama was President of the United States when she went for walks outside the White House. How could you not recognize —
BURLESON: What about that?
RYAN: — Michelle Obama invisibility?
Ryan should not be taken seriously, whether it’s calling Donald Trump “dictator” for his 2019 July 4th event at Lincoln Memorial, denouncing border security and labeling Governor Ron DeSantis, R-FL, as a mansplainer, melting over someone noting that Hillary Clinton made mistakes in 2016, or raging against Trump press secretaries and questioning the idea of standing to sing the national anthem.
Thanks to advertisers like McDonald’s and Hyundai, CBS was able to become one of the most polarizing White House correspondents ever. Follow these links to view their contact information on the MRC’s Conservatives Fight Back webpage.
Click here to see the CBS transcript for October 17.