US Politics

Former Miss California Squashes CA’s ‘Queerest Halloween’ Kids Party

“Queer” should never be used in the same sentence as “kids”. It’s 2022, and all good things must be corrupted.

The Encinitas Union School District in California recently sent a flier to parents and students promoting San Diego’s 2022 “Boo Bash,” self-described as “The Queerest Free Halloween Party For Youth & Families.” Former Miss California-turned-Encinitas mother Carrie Prejean Boller was not happy about it, and went in front of the school board to condemn it. Jesse Watters Primetime then urged her to insist that all those who promoted the event be “put into jail.”

The event flyer lists many “fun” activities that kids and their families can enjoy, including a dragshow that the creators have kindly described as “family friendly.” (Back again to my first point, “family friendly dragshow” is an oxymoron. Boller pointed out that Watters was also sponsored by a San Diego “sex change surgical centre” and “gay nights clubs”.

Both groups are in the best interests of children, I’m sure.

Boller spoke out on Thursday’s Fox segment about her anger at the school board and her resolve to get them replaced. She also stated her commitment to making sure they are “never near our children again.”

After she made a series of accusations against school board members, she called them “cowards”.

Boller was not the only parent to be outraged. She is now organizing a protest. Watters said that the school board had “quietly” removed a flyer amid the controversy.

Waters asked Boller if he believed that the school board had a profit motive.

It seems like there is a profit motive. If you get kids to question things and get the parents out of it, then surgery’s underway and people’s pockets are getting bigger. It’s just — it is criminal. It is. Is that the meaning?

Boller then quoted her friend, who spoke at the meeting. Watters responded by saying that the school board members “are playing the role as activist pimps.” Boller then said that she wished Watters “good luck in that fight.”

He is absolutely right. It seems like there is an inexorable battle against today’s attacks on children. The Media Research Center highlighted nine reasons why media are responsible for the rise of transgender youth and schools. These include teachers, books, or curriculum. While elected officials are attempting to indoctrinate our children, the left continues to push woke ideologies down our throats.

Children are easier to manipulate than adults, and if the left wants to create a world of woke activists, then kids are the best place to start.

This is terrifying, disgusting, and a million other evil adjectives. But, most importantly, it is the reality of our time.

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