Jezebel’s Kylie Cheung doesn’t like men. She doesn’t like “cis heterowhite men”, especially when they are able to express opinions that are different from her unhinged feministism. Worst of all, they do things lefties do, such as marching and protesting. Seriously, she should not be talking about last weekend’s Boston anti-abortion Men’s March.
Cheung claims it is inextricably connected to Straight Pride Parades. He also claims that “both absurd demonstrations revolve around the imagined oppression and violation of the rights of women, and other marginalized people.”
She continued: “The Men’s March continues to the tradition of Straight Pride, and decades of male tears over women being allowed sexually reject men and LGBTQ fictional characters on TV and books.”
In August, there was a straight pride march in front of a California Planned Parenthood Clinic. However, it doesn’t seem that the events are related.
Next, she calls the demonstrations “pathetically depressed” and hysterically questions, “At this point–what else could these men possibly accept from us?” What could they possibly have more to cry about?
Leftists tend to overlook the issues of other women because abortion is so all-encompassing.
Cheung’s hysteria persists, imagining a nightmare scenario in which “people to be imprisoned for miscarriage and IVF to be banned, as well as pregnant women being charged with kidnapping if crossing state lines without their partners consent.” Men protest for fetal personhood by proxy.
Where did this propaganda come from? It is not healthy for people believe in a dystopian future. Those brainwashing them should be ashamed.
Cheung can’t help but end the piece by demonizing these men and making an embarrassing little spectacle of it all.
The left is either unwilling or incapable of understanding that abortion is considered murder by many men. Instead, they attribute an evil obsession to oppressing women. They are truly unproductive and sick.