This week, President Joe Biden spoke with Dylan Mulvaney, a TikTok influencer. Mulvaney, a man who was once a Broadway star in “The Book of Mormon”, decided less than a year ago that he was a woman. Mulvaney has been making daily videos titled “Day X as a girl” since Day 1. He wears drag and announces that he has cried three more times. On Day 1, Mulvaney also announces that he is a man who has changed his mind about being a woman. On Day 120, Mulvaney examines the size of his nipples, which have gone from “cute little nipples to “pepperoni nipples.” Mulvaney has more than 8.4 million followers. He also receives makeup deals from CeraVe and MAC, Neutrogena, and Kate Spade.
Mulvaney’s cosplay as a woman earned him an interview with the world’s most powerful person. Mulvaney asked Biden: “Do you think states should be able to ban gender-affirming healthcare?” This interview was a rare opportunity to ask Biden. He explained that “gender-affirming” refers to a range of medical procedures that include phalloplasties (fake penises attached and removed from females), mastectomies, and vaginoplasties (removal and creation of a fake ovagina for males) as well as facial reconstruction surgeries.
Biden replied, “I don’t believe any state or anyone should have the right to restrict that.” It’s both a moral and legal question. I think it’s wrong.
The president of the United States asked a man who was dressed as a woman to explain that it would be a grave offense to deny life-altering treatment to confused minors.
How did we get to this point in American society? How did America fall to the point where a geriatric dotard representing the global hegemon can declare it imprudent to prevent genital mutilation for young people under the banner of anti-scientific “gender theories”?
The obvious answer is that traditional values are in decline.
They are losing because tradition itself is the best defense against tradition. And that defense has now been obliterated by a society dedicated to the proposition that tabula rasa quasi-intellectualism is a better policymaker than tradition. It is not enough to state that we should abide by age-old, useful traditions. We must also come up with an argument that meets the demands of Left-wing secularists. Radicals who want to destroy durable institutions, including binary sex distinctions, have been given the burden of proof. Radicals don’t need to explain how the destruction of these institutions will make the world a better place. They can only criticize existing arrangements as “intolerant” or “noninclusive.”
This is a recipe to social collapse. Wisdom and experience are our teachers. It is foolish to destroy them in the name tabula rasa pseudorationalism. FA Hayek observed that experience comes to man in many forms, more than is commonly recognized by professional experimenters or those seeking explicit knowledge. Our ability to conduct ourselves in the right way is not dependent on knowing why.
This is not to suggest that there aren’t secular humanistic arguments against the absurdity of gender theory. They exist, and they are convincing. This is why even moderate liberals have turned their backs on the most radical aspects the Left-wing agenda. However, the fact that social radicals are able to move so quickly is alarming evidence that our traditional framework of thinking has been compromised.
It must be rebuilt. It is the destructionists who must bear the burden of proof, not those who want to keep it. Americans must be able to say that it has worked before and it still works. It is not something I will give up just because you ask me to.