Colin Kaepernick started his protests before NFL games. The Dallas Cowboys were one team in that league that chose respect for the American flag and did not kneel during national anthem. Los Angeles Lakers forward LeBron James, a full-time social justice warrior, has reacted furiously to their stance.
Although the NBA-star was a longtime supporter of “America’s Team”, he stated that he strongly disagreed with the 2017 no kneeling policy by Jerry Jones. He’s now a Cowboys fan.
James stated in the video that “there were just a lot things that were going on during when guys kneeled, and guys were having freedom to speech.” They wanted to do it peacefully. Many people in their front office, and many people who ran the organization, were like, “If you do this around here, then you will not play for this franchise again.” That was not what I thought was appropriate.
Many people think that kneeling to the anthem is an inappropriate gesture. There are many peaceful protests that don’t involve disrespecting our country. But I digress.
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To give context, Jerry Jones stated that anyone kneeling for the anthem would be disqualified. However, it was not clear if he meant that the players would be cut. James wants people believe this. He did an admirable job of balancing how to allow players to voice their concerns about bigger issues while still respecting America the nation.
Jones stated that he was not trying to stop players from having conversations outside of football. However, he made it clear that his players would never show disrespect for the flag.
Jones stated that Jones was aware of the fact that the NFL cannot in any way suggest that it will tolerate disrespecting the flag. “We know there is serious debate in the country about these issues, but there is no doubt in my mind that both the Dallas Cowboys and the National Football League will stand up for the flag.”
Both men are free to express their opinions, even if James’s opinion is completely false. If Jones’ admirable stance ends up costing him LeBron’s support, and isn’t good enough to make him the most spoiled athlete of recent memory, I don’t think he — nor anyone else in Cowboys country — will lose sleep tonight.