Andrea Mitchell began her Tuesday MSNBC program with a 20-minute interview she did with Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She began by saying that her voters don’t appreciate the “extraordinary record” that President Biden and her have allegedly built over the past two years.
Mitchell began by noting the Democratic momentum in the polls after the Dobbs decision had “slowed down,” Mitchell said. “Despite all the legislative achievements and I want them to cite them. I want to, I know, say that it’s an extraordinary session. You and the president have done so many in terms of domestic concern, the economy.”
Mitchell asked Mitchell, in her softball-style, “So, why’s this message — why don’t you think the president got it through to voters?”
After much back-and forth on whether Democrats should be concerned about recent Polling, she didn’t mention any of those “accomplishments”. Instead, she tried to make abortion a defining issue. “I’ve been in five states per week and I can tell that women’s concerns regarding their freedom are still very important in terms of how they vote. In fact, 80 per cent of those who care about a woman’s right to vote say they will vote. It will determine who they vote.
Pelosi also accused Republicans “pouring endless, dark, undisclosed special interests money into the campaigns,” with a heavy focus on “dark.”
The rest of the interview was devoted to January 6 and how awful Republicans are. Mitchell mostly let Pelosi speak her mind, not correcting Mitchell when she suggested Republicans want contraception banned or that Democrats have a history of denying election results. Mitchell’s question about whether Democratic leadership is too old was the only thing that could have been considered a difficult question.
Subway sponsored this segment.
Here’s a transcript from the October 18th show:
MSNBC Andrea Mitchell Reports
12:01 PM ET
MITCHELL This has seemed to recede, at least in the case of the most pressing concerns. Despite all the legislative achievements, and I want them to cite, I want you to, you know? Say it’s an extraordinary session. You and the president have done so many things in terms of domestic concerns and the economy. Why is this message not getting through to the voters?
PELOSI: Let me first say that I disagree with much of what you’ve said. This is what it means.
PELOSI: – I think the New York Times poll is an outlier poll. You cite poll but all the other polls have a different-based–
MITCHELL – It’s the Real Clear Politics average that shows similar issues.
PELOSI: It was not a drop in the average, but it was an exception.
PELOSI: It was not that large a sample. I reject that. I have been since Congress adjourned. I have been to five states an average of five times per week. I can tell that women’s concerns regarding their freedom are still very important in terms of how they vote. 80 percent of those who care about a woman’s right to vote say they will — it will decide who they vote for.
Washington’s mantra for the past year and half has been “Oh, Republicans will win, there’s not any question” Now that there is less certainty, and there is a real race, the Republicans are pouring in endless money, dark, undisclosed, special interest money into campaigns, but we’re still holding our own. It’s all about who votes. There are many issues that we — ofcourse, we want to combat inflation, it is a global problem.