Jonathan Capehart, MSNBC’s anchor, sat down with President Joe Biden for an exclusive interview on Friday night. It was as embarrassingly sycophantic as it sounds. The interview, which was originally aired on Joy Reid’s show The ReidOut, proved to be the ideal time slot to conduct this interview. Capehart seemed to enjoy bidding for his attention in the same way Reid would.
“Mr. “Mr. Capehart began by saying, “I’m scared.” “Millions upon millions of Americans are afraid. They are concerned about the coordinated attacks on democracy, voting, and how it will impact the midterm elections. We’re witnessing everything, from Governor DeSantis’ electoral police force arresting people for alleged voter fraud violations, to election workers quitting due to threats,” Capehart told Biden.
Capehart was not done embarrassing himself. He moaned, “And then, on top, you have election deniers up the ballot, running to election. They could win a good portion of them. Why shouldn’t we be afraid?
“Well, I think that we should be concerned. Biden agreed.
Capehart continued to dwell on his imagined threats to democracy, “there is a startling title in The New York Times,” Capehart worried. “It stated that a majority believe that democracy is under attack. Yet, they don’t consider it a priority to protect democracy.
Biden replied, “well, they do.” They are concerned about other issues and I believe they are under threat.
Capehart continued to obsess later in the interview and asked Biden: “Can our democratic system survive when the Republican Party is-it just cares about power?”
“One reason there aren’t more mainstream conservative Republicans running out is because they are so concerned not only about their physical well-being but also the notion of how they can win when a minority are showing up for vote and they’re really tough edge,” Biden replied.
Capehart then turned his attention to the second pathological obsession of the Democrat Party, and leftists like himself in the media: so called “abortion rights.”
“One of the things that you said you were for, Mr. President is codifying Roe. He began by asking Biden if he believed he needed 51 or 53 seats to order the Senate.
“But what happens if Republicans gain control of Congress?” How will you protect women?” This absurd question assumes that women cannot be protected if they are allowed to murder their unborn children.
Biden said he would “veto everything they do” if Republicans take control of Congress in November.
Jonathan Capehart is not a journalist. He is a Democrat Party fluffer, with a byline. He should be treated accordingly.
Liberty Mutual made this hilarious interview of MSNBC’s Jonathan Capehart possible. Their information is linked.
Click “expand” to view the transcript.
MSNBC’s The ReidOut
7:04:44 p.m. Eastern
JONATHAN CAPEHART (Mr. President): I’ll be truthful. I’m scared. Millions of Americans are afraid. They are worried about the coordinated attacks on democracy, voting, and how it will impact the midterm elections. We are seeing everything, from Governor DeSantis’ electoral police force making arrests for alleged voter fraud violations, to election workers fleeing because of threats. Then, there are the election deniers running for election. They could win. Why shouldn’t we be afraid?
JOE BIDEN : I think we should be concerned. Democracy is not automatic. Remember, when you are in undergraduate school, they talk of how every generation must protect democracy. It does. We are at one of those historical inflection points. We have reached a point in history where there is so much division.
However, I believe there is cause for concern. I am optimistic about two things. Number one, we’ve been there before. I believe that the essence, the soul, of who we are as Americans is about our commitment to the fundamental elements that make us Americans. This is fairness, decency and honesty. I believe it’s ingrained in the majority of Americans. I believe that the threat can be met if we take it seriously.
CAPEHART Yet, they don’t consider it a priority to protect democracy. You mean, why would you think that it is?
BIDEN: I believe they do. They see it as under threat. They also worry about other issues, meld. In other words, when they say it’s threatened, they fear that basic rights will be taken away. They are concerned about the possibility that people can talk about each other in public life the same way they do about their own bitterness. You see, the organizing, we are the most unique nation in all of history. I’m not trying — I’m honest with you about who we are as Americans.
We are the only nation that isn’t built on geography or ethnicity. These truths are self-evident to us, and all men and women are equal. We have never lived up to it fully, and we have never walked away. It’s the core of all this, that worry. It’s a concern that, as you know, the soul is kind of the breadth of who we are. It’s not necessary to intimidate anyone who wishes to vote. That’s a core issue that America needs to address.
7:10:47 p.m. Eastern
CAPEHART – My question to you, Mr. President is: Can our democracy survive when the Republican Party only cares about power?
BIDEN: I believe that if the Republican party continues to metastrate into what a minority of the party is, then I think one reason there aren’t more mainstream conservative Republicans running is because they are so concerned not only about their physical well-being but also about the notion of winning when a small number of Republicans show up to vote and are really hard edge. While I don’t agree completely with Liz Cheney’s views on substantive issues, I admire her tremendously.
She means what they say. She is against violence. She doesn’t believe there are fundamental rules. It was that way all the way through the Senate. I’m referring to Jim Eastland, Strom Thurmond. I was privileged to serve with conservative members of the United States Senate. After we had argued like mad, we would all go to the Senate dining room, where we would all eat together. Although there was an understanding that differences were important, they didn’t justify the kind of activities we see today.
7:21:21 p.m. Eastern
CAPEHART – One of the things that you stated you are for, Mr. President is codifying Roe. You stated that you need 51 or 53 seats to make this happen — in the Senate. But what happens if Republicans win control of Congress? How will you protect women?
BIDEN: You can oppose anything they do. They must — in order to make Dobbs, for them to outlaw Roe and outlaw the right for a woman to make a decision with her doctor, to not make exceptions to for rape and other incest, et cetera – and pass it out from the congress to become the law of land, the president has to sign it. It will be vetoed.