When Elise Jordan is pro-Trump, she’s more skilled from hiding her allegiance as compared to any mole John votre Carre could ever have thought up!
We caught Jordan calling Trump a classic scumbag in 2019.
And since that time, the former aide to Leader George W. Bush provides well earned her subject as an “MSNBC Republican, inches i. e. one who may be counted on to attack virtually all things Republican, and Jesse Trump in particular.
But since broadcasting focus groups last week through which black voters in Philly and voters in the Philly suburbs expressed concerns above crime, and holding one more focus group letting Overcome supporters air their opinions, Jordan has been viciously bombarded from the left.
Hilariously, the type of lefty actually tweeted: “Today Elise Jordan (closet trumpy) aired a focus group that has been at best fraudulent & felony at worst. ”
Lock the girl
Many other this type of About today’s Morning Joe, typically the panel rode to her security.
Jordan facetiously called it “the girl
“Maybe I’ve managed to get Probably inches
Joe Scarborough jumped directly into defend his colleague:
“We actually had people who have been outraged all day, that we in fact were saying that there were dark-colored voters in Philadelphia who had been afraid to go to work in addition to afraid to go to school. Wow, it was like, talking about us all, that we were somehow generating crime as an issue in typically the Pennsylvania race. No, dark-colored voters in Philadelphia have been saying it was important. inches
We won’t be surprised if Jordan does something soon to restore her “MSNBC Republican” street cred. On the other hand, credit her for executing focus groups with genuine voters, and sharing the woman findings–uncomfortable as they were to typically the left–with the Morning Joe viewers.
Morning Joe defending MSNBC analyst Elise Jordan in opposition to attacks by the left on her behalf conducting focus groups of which found that black arreters in Philly are concerned about offense, and another focus party with Trump supporters inside the Pittsburgh area, was financed in part by Liberty Common and United Healthcare.
Early Morning
6: summer am EDT
MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Former aide to the George W. Bush White Residence and State Department, Elise Jordan, whose focus groupings are creating a little bit of a new ripple effect.
JOE SCARBOROUGH: And we also have the web host of Way Too Early, Whitened House bureau chief regarding Politico, Jonathan Lemire.
MIKA: Oh, wow.
SCARBOROUGH: You already know, Elise, my grandma coming from Dalton, Georgia, would have mentioned of you, well, the lady sure kicked a hornet’s nest yesterday, didn’t the lady?
MIKA: You did.
SCARBOROUGH: You have people on the left drawing their hair out. You know that people on the left are willing to You possessed people on the right referring to how mean and furious you were. And there were other folks saying you that were owned or operated, the lib, who needless to say like libertarian-conservative.
MIKA: Thus you’re saying she performed a great job.
SCARBOROUGH: Lifetime Conservative Elise Jordan was owned or operated by those people who said, sure, I believe the moon has been done of cheese, and she merely sat there dumbfounded. The lady didn’t know what, cheese, they believe the moon is made of — and somehow, you were owned or operated because some people followed conspiracy theory theories.
ELISE JORDAN: After all, maybe I’ve made it on earth now that I’m a corporate mass media hack, apparently. Perhaps which
I think it is a sign, even though, that we are talking about matters that we need to address, which it has hit so many spirit. And we saw, you know, when necessary when we did the offense segments, and we heard completely from black voters in Philly and their thoughts on crime. And that we heard from swing voters inside Bucks County on offense. And we heard a lot of opinion about, and worry about, typically the rising level of crimes, regarding crime, and that hit a new nerve, too.
So I think that all of us
MIKA: We do.
TEST: — Topics that are uneasy but need to be addressed.
SCARBOROUGH : That’s the problem. Needless to say we actually had those who were outraged all day, that individuals actually were saying that there was black voters in Philly, who were afraid to go to job and afraid to go to institution. Oh, it was like, referring to us, that we were for some reason creating crime as an a significant the Pennsylvania race. Zero, black voters in Philly were saying it was crucial.